A report on the ceremony honoring the Kurdish Republic Of Mahabad,
Los Angeles, USA

By: Cklara Moradian
On Saturday, January 27th 2007, The Kurdish Community of Southern California held a tribute ceremony in the memory of the 61st anniversary of the Republic of Kurdistan, Mahabad 1946.
The ceremony began at 7:00pm with a welcome message by Mr. Azad Moradian and the master of ceremony.
A moment of silence was called in name of Qazi Mohammad and in the honor of all the Kurdish martyrs who have sacrificed their lives in the name of Kurdistan. Ms. Shirin Parvar, a well-known Kurdish singer, powerfully sang the Kurdish anthem and the participants accompanied her during the chorus lines. She ended her performance with a short message on behalf of all Kurdish artists honoring the Republic of Kurdistan.
Several representatives from Kurdish organizations announced tribute messages on behalf of their members:
-The Democratic Party of Kurdistan of Iran (PDKI) message given by Mr. Ardalan Behrozi
-The Kurdish National Congress of North America (KNCNA) message by Mr. Nima Ardalan
-The Kurdish American Education Society (KAES) message given by Mr. Ardishir Rashidi
-Mrs. Soraya Fallah, the chairperson of the International Conference on Kurdish Women, announced the time and place of this historic event that will take place in Northern Kurdistan in the month of March.
-Ms. Cklara Moradian, member of the Kurdish American Youth Organization (KAYO), announced the first conference held by Kurdish youth in Nashville in the Month of February 2007.
Mr. Mustafa Shahrikandi delivered a touching poem on the profound effect that the Republic of Mahabad has had on Kurds and Kurdistan.
The guests were entertained with live music by Kurdish musicians.
Mr. Hiwa Nezhadian who is an expert in the history of Kurdistan and is an active member of several Kurdish organizations, gave a speech on the historical facts and events that took place during the years before and up to the rise and fall of the Kurdish Republic in Mahabad and the people who were involved.
Guests were served traditional Middle Eastern gourmet food and entertained by Kurdish music.
A beautiful poem, on the unity of Kurdistan, by Mr. Hashem Hawleri was read by her daughter Ms. Dilan and captured the attention of her audience.
Mr. Azad Moradian, who has worked for many years in the field of psychology and is an active member of several Kurdish organizations, shed light on the political Psychology of Qazi Mohammad and how he became the catalyst of a movement that led up the Kurdish Republic of Mahabad. During the speech a slideshow of rare pictures of Qazi Mohammad and the Kurdish Republic of Mahabad was shown. Mr. Moradian brought up the importance of unity between the Kurdish organizations around the world and how that could be the avenue to accomplishing what Qazi Mohammad and his followers envisioned.
Mr. Mustafa Shahrikandi read a gripping poem honoring Kurdish peshmerga and the bravery they show to fight for the Kurdish cause.
Dr. Kamal Artin, a psychiatrist, board member of KNC and an active member of other Kurdish organizations in USA showed a unique and creative slideshow expressing the political chaos that Kurdish people suffer from.
Kurdish dance and music followed the presentations and lasted several hours. The 150 guests reported that they had enjoyed an enlightening night and took home great memories. The hall was decorated with pictures of Qazi Mohammad and the Republic.
The Moradian Family, at a banquet hall in the city of Winnetka, hosted and financed this event.