VOK RADIO Articles:
-Article By Soraya Fallah |
A Report on the International Conference on Kurdish Women for Peace and Equality Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentleman, I
am honored to speak today as the Chairperson of the International
conference on Kurdish women for Peace and Equality and to have the
privilege to give you an update on this historic event. I welcome you
each. On March 8th, 2007 the Kurdish National Congress of
North America held its first International Women’s Conference in
Southern Kurdistan in Erbil (Hewler). The conference was held in Yaki
Shubat Hall (House of Ministers) of the KRG to address issues relating
to Kurdish women around the globe. (more)

Is Saddam and his trial over? By:Soraya Fallah
knowing the truth is ignorance; closing ones eyes over the truth is a
crime, denying it is a disaster. Abandoning the truth is all of the
the truth is easily accessible through the median of highly technical
systems. No one can deny Saddam’s dictatorship, genocide and crimes
against the Kurds in Iraq, but the rulers closed their eyes and even
worse closed people’s eyes and forced ignorance upon their gullible
a world where selling the west’s second hand technology and weapons are
more of priority than crimes against humanity, what importance do the
Kurds and their claim against Saddam have? When black gold plays a big
role in war and Peace, how can the Kurdish voice be heard? It’s no
surprise that scenarios are written, played and showcased before hand.
a barbaric character has been executed without confronting the full
horror of his crimes. He will be buried in his own city, as if all the
mass graved bodies were buried in their home cities! The Iraqi court
was neither justice nor enough, for no one is there to accept
responsibility for the heinous crimes against humanity, chemical
bombardment of more than 5000 innocence people in Halabja,
disappearances, mass graves, execution without trails, misplacements
people from their own home city to another including Kirkuk and other
Arabized regions. Saddam set up The Anfal Campaign against the Kurds,
yet he was sent to his death without letting people talk about those
things. They could care less about people’s rights, and it wasn’t
hatred for Saddam that brought about his hanging; it was the fear of
revealing the truth about their own role in his crimes. And thus they
abandoned the truth.
young son asked me a moving question; why are they debating whether
Saddam should be hanged or not, when no one could defend the people who
were fond in his mass graves?
are the Kurdish leaders and organizations that “claim” for Kurds? Have
they lost their weight in the power deals to protect Kurdish people who
trust them and lean on them for a strategy and security?
a Kurdish woman, his premature execution is not the end of the story. I
lost my uncle under Saddam’s bombs, which were bought from those who
keep people’s eyes closed from the truth. I was pregnant then, like
hundreds of Kurdish mothers, who lost their adorable children on their
way from home to the border. I lost my brother in-law to the aftermath
of Saddam’s chemical weapons. Saddam’s sentence to death is not the end
of the story; the trial is not over and it will never be done…

Kurdish Woman Society on mourning for her sister…
By: Soraya Fallah Los Angeles CA
cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. I think the
purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, and to be
compassionate. It is, above all to matter, to count, to stand for
something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.” The
great Leo Ruston stated and somehow looking at Soraya Serajeddini
Nakshbandi’s life, it seems as though she lived by this belief and
indeed she mattered and she stood for beliefs worth dying for, fighting
for, and most of all living for. Soraya lived every moment of her life
trying to make a difference and she was passionate and strong and those
who knew her and those who will hear her story will forever admire
Soraya was born in 1960 in Tehran, Iran to Abed
Serajeddini and Zayneb Setoodeh. At a young age she had to escape from
Iran with her family to Baghdad where she briefly lived under stressful
conditions, but was able to move to the US in 1982. She lived an active
life in San Jose, CA where she attended San Francisco State University
and later transferred to Northeastern University in Boston where she
received her BS in electronic engeneering. She married Thomas Ver
Ploeg, who is presently the secretary of KNC, and became the mother of
two bright boys, Avin and Daryan. She joined the Kurdish National
Congress of North America (KNC) in 1991 and worked towards bringing
about unity among Kurds and advocating for the formation of a united,
free Kurdistan. She served as an executive board member of KNC and
later on as the vice president of KNC. Soraya became a well known
political voice for the Kurdish human right movements and fought for
the Kurdish women’s right as well. She was greatly respected and
admired by her fellow activists and friends. Soraya’s life was devoted
to the Kurdish cause and she defined strength in the form of an
independent Kurdish woman. Less than two years ago Soraya decided to
move to Millersville, Maryland to devote her life to her political
activities. She was a strong advocate of building bridges between Kurds
and other progressive groups in the world.
During November 2005
Soraya worked hard with KNC to prepare a conference in Kurdistan /Iraq
as a Public Relations & Media Contact and was the vice chair of
Kurdish Independence Conference in Kurdistan/Iraq. She traveled with
her fellow colleagues to South of Kurdistan.
2006, Soraya played a leading role in Democracy in Syria and Kurdish
Human and National Rights Conference in Washington, DC, reflecting her
dedication to Kurds in all parts of Kurdistan. She was the conference
moderator, and she stated that: "There is Kurdish proverb that says: we
have no friends but the mountains," but today she pointed out, "We have
many people on our side."
She became Director of the Kurdish
American Committee for Democracy in Iran in May 2006, and participated
as a MC in a remarkable conference that was held at the Russel Senate
Office Building in Washington, where she stated that: "The only way
to overcome these ethnic differences and keep Iran together is for the
mullah regime to be replaced by a true democratic government that gives
federal autonomy to Iran's ethnic regions, Soraya was in the process of many other projects and activities and she was far from done… Early
morning Monday of July 24th a friend called from DC, with the
unbelievable news that Soraya had passed away possibly due to
complications of an asthma attack…
When I think about her and
I remember her on phone, the way she was handling the issues, her sense
of humor, and I look at all her e-mails, I feel that she is an
unfinished project, like the nation she fought for which is still on
her way. Soraya left us too early but not too little and I am compelled
to work with more enthusiasm and passion towards reaching her goals.
Though her body may not be present among us, her beliefs, thoughts,
ideas, and memories are within all who recognized her great dedication
and contributions to her nation. As I look at her face in the
picture one more time, and remember her voice, her hard work, I believe
that the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, and to be
compassionate. It is, above all to matter, to count, to stand for
something, to have made some difference that you lived at all ” who she
was, proved it.
Kurdish American Committee for Democracy in Iran

By: Azad Moradian
Chair of KNCNA-Kurdish American Committee for Democracy in Iran
On November 2005 a group of Kurdish-Americans decided to organize a
committee to work on Kurdish issues in Iran and to build a relationship
among Iranian opposition groups toward democracy. The following points
clarified a need for organizing and helping the Iranian political
parties to come together and to start coordinating their efforts. We considered that: 1. Iran is not a homogeneous ethnic society and formidable Iranian opposition parties are aligned with separate ethnic groups. 2.
Persians are a minority who has been the dominating power since the end
of WWI and all other minority groups have revolted at some point during
the 20th century and continue to do so in this century. 3.Kurdish
struggle for human rights and self-determination is the longest and
most mature democratic national movement in Iran, the only one to have
developed a constitution for a democratic society (The Republic of
Kurdistan, Mahabad 1947). 4. We considered that any political
opposition to the Islamic regime without the involvement of Turkmans,
Baluoch, Azeri, Kurd and Arab groups would fail. 5. Almost all
Persian nationalist parties have vowed to side with the Islamic regime
to "fight" minority groups and democracy. Based on the above ideas and
considerations, Kurdish Americans from Iran organized a Committee for
Democracy on December 2005. "Kurdish American Committee for democracy
in Iran” had a sense of obligation to take an active role in organizing
the Iranian opposition groups by: - First creating a
unified Kurdish front and later by bringing the other minority
opposition groups together. Looking at the social fabric and history
of Iran and planning for a democratic society. - Our mission is to:
- Give resources and expert help on political party and organization
building to the political parties that participate in this effort.
- Encourage and consult with the participating entities on political
party structure and democratic practices within the parties themselves. - Bring Iranian party leaders (not limited to Kurdish) together in Washington DC or Europe for working meetings. - Make available the result of study on opposition front methodology and facilitate the creation of the front.
- Help develop media campaigns aimed at publicizing the democratic
values of the United Iranian Opposition Front and its program.
- Facilitate help for newly formed democratic institutions operating
in Iran (there has been an up-surge in the year 2006) Mobilizing the
Kurdish Americans of Iranian decent to participate in the struggle for
freedom and democracy in Iran. Promoting the Kurdish Americans of
Iranian decent to Participation In American Civic Life and Iranian
American issues. Kurdish American Committee's Goals:
short-term goal is formation of the United Iranian Opposition Front by
Iranians and securing of its leadership role as well as public
relations campaigns exposing the Iranian regime. The long-term goal is democracy in Iran with freedom for all ethnic groups and legal protection for their human rights.
following speech is Mr. Azad Moradian's speech on the KNC 19th Annual
Conference at Hotel Hilton, Irvine ,California on March 24, 2007
The Second Panel on Saturday was titled "Political Dynamics of the Region" Dr. Fekrat Hekmat, Dr. Rashid Qaradaghi, Mr. Ralph D. Fertig, and Mr. Azad Moradian
“ Dynamic of the region and the role of Kurds in building Federalism and Democracy in Iran”
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The U.N. Security Council seems intent on moving the international
viewpoint towards a confrontational stand against Islamic republic of
Iran. The facts that the Islamic government has lost an opportunity to
contact UN and US directly, on nuclear issues, gives the Iranian
opposition groups an incredible opportunity to take advantage of this
new situation. It seems that US policy for “ changing behavioral
policy “ in Iran is moved toward changing Islamic regime. More
My Personal Statment
by:Azad Moradian M.A.
It’s so fascinating to look back and realize how much of my present and
future is shaped by my past experiences, and how much of my perception
is either expanded or limited by those events. It’s quite interesting
to realize how much of my understanding of myself and the world, how
much of my goals and ambitions are formed through the bases of my
existence; my mother’s womb, my unidentified homeland, my belittled
ethnicity, all the places I was raised and taught, and the most
gripping moments that have defined who I am today and who I wish to be
tomorrow. It is my history and background, my triumphs and tragedies,
my accomplishments and losses, and the endless checklist of hopes and
dreams that never seem to seize, which has painted the vivid picture
that I envision to be my future.(More)
Remembering Soraya Serajaddini: Tragedy closed the
curtains of July 23rd and took from us a wonderful friend, a Kurdish
woman who defined strength and determination; she has made her mark not
only on all who had the privilege to know her but also on her
continuous fight for the Kurdish people and women right. We send our
most sincere condolences to Mr. Tom, her children, Sergeddini's family
and friends and will remember her in our every thought. Though she is
no longer with us, her memories fill us with her presence and in our
sadness and grief we honor her for who she was and what she stood for.
May she rest in peace
Azad MoradianKurdish American Committe for Democracy In IranLos Angeles,CA
-Kurd And Kurdistan By Azad MoradianApril 2nd 1998 D.R. High School, Neastved, DenmarkCommon evening Thursday April the 2nd 1998 Mrs. Director, Dear friends, Ladies and gentlemen,
The Kurds are an ethnic group of about 30 million people who have been
victimized by the political and ideological turmoil of our times. The
4th largest ethnic group in the Middle -East, The Kurds has lived in
the same geographical area for perhaps 4000 years. That Homeland was
divided and is now ruled by their four immediate neighbors Turkey,
Iran, Iraq and Syria. The Kurds are living in about 530,000-km2 areas. (More)
-A Report on 25th NABE Conference A report on 25th NABE conference By: Azad Moradian M.A.
Good morning; Ladies and Gentleman Thank
you for giving me the opportunity to attend the NABE Conference on your
behalf.I have put together a report accenting some of the more
important highlights of the conference, in order to give you a better
point of reference, I have put together a video to accompany this
report."Giving children the world " was the slogan of the NABE conference that took place on Feb.20-24 2001 at the Phoenix, Arizona.(More)
Who cares?

By Cklara Moradian
“I am angry!” I typed in a
search bar and I found numerous articles, poems, and vignettes of
writers around the world who have begun their essays with this exact
statement. In fact I’ve written a blog post with the same title in the
past. Today I begin another rampage of thoughts in the same fashion and
it is not the first time I have purged my anger unto a piece of paper
and shouted in maddening rage. The anger has always been justified
though because, well, let’s face it, it’s been about ME. Who is to say
I can’t be angry? However, today I wanted to write about something
other than myself. I wanted to talk about something greater than me,
something of importance, something worth being angry about. So, in
retrospect, why have I begun this piece so egocentrically? Is it human
nature to be so self-absorbed? So self-centered? Or is it this
individualistic, materialistic, “Me, myself and I”, consumer world we
live in? Can I really be blamed for beginning an article about
something important by using an “I” statement?
“I AM ANGRY?” Is it even important how I feel? What I want?
What I write about? Does my anger even matter when Britney Spears’
16-year-old sister is pregnant? Could I possibly have something
provoking to say when Paris Hilton just lost all of her inheritance to
charity? Can I possibly have something more enraging to be angry about
when so and so just got engaged and the other couple from last year’s
wedding filed for a divorce? I mean who cares what I have to say?
Everyone has so much to worry about already. JC Penny’s “16-hour post
holiday sale” is ticking down and Macy’s has that “two days only end of
the year, new year special” going on right now so why would anyone in
their right mind be reading this instead? Who cares that I am angry? I
bet you are angry too! For heaven’s sake, your central heater is too
loud, or was it your refrigerator? And your laundry takes too long. I
bet you’re angry too, I mean isn’t it outrageous that you didn’t get an
extra day off this year and that Hanna Montana tickets were sold out
before it was supposed to go on sale?
Well I’m going to tell
you what I’m angry about anyways because why would I care that you have
your own problems? I’m going to express myself anyways because isn’t
that what we are supposed to do? Aren’t Myspace, facebook, YouTube,
blogcentral, etc. etc. all there to make us feel like we are expressing
ourselves freely and someone cares to listen? I’ll probably put this up
on my Journals on OkCupid so I can seem like a better catch and wipe
out my competition. I mean isn’t that what it’s all about? This game,
this race that we are running to be the best, the first, the biggest,
the smallest, the richest, the most powerful, I don’t know, the
youngest, the oldest? Isn’t it all about the winners? Aren’t they the
ones who end up writing history?
Isn’t that why you’ve never
heard of the girls whose breasts are cut and then ironed onto their
chests in order to desexualize them? Wouldn’t you rather see pictures
of a D-cup breast instead? Oh, you were saving up to buy some, how else
are plastic surgeons and porn stars two of the biggest money earners in
this country? They are the winners. You wouldn’t know the San Fernando
Valley and Beverley Hills if it weren’t for them. Isn’t that why you’ve
heard of the Holocaust but never about the genocides in Armenia,
Kurdistan, Rwanda, Darfur, Cambodia? I mean you just upgraded to Cable.
While you had dial-up and DSL it took too long to watch the videos shot
by a cheap hand held camera by an unknown journalist who was trying to
give you an image of what the circumcisions of 130 girls in a village
in Africa looks like. The Victoria Secret show downloaded faster and
let’s face it, it was full of eye candy. It wasn’t your fault, it never
I am angry! I want to shout it on top of Mount Everest
and I bet just as many people will hear me then, as the number of
people who will read this vignette when I put it up online.
father always tells me “you can’t be angry at the ignorant but of those
who know and look away.” Is that called oblivion? I am angry because
half this world is oblivious to the fact that every 3.6 seconds someone
dies of hunger? I mean your anorexic daughters and sisters are hungry
too so why would you care? I am angry because your ignorance is not an
excuse. Because isn’t this era called the information era? Shouldn’t
you know more than ever, now that you spend at the least 12 hours a day
online? I mean it wasn’t so hard for you to get the latest news about
the release of the video games you play 5 hours a day, every day. How
come you have no idea that more people die of suicide than those
murdered or killed in war? So who cares that I am angry that my search
results for “statistics on childhood sexual abuse” is not even 1/3rd
the size of the search results for your favorite television show. I bet
you are angry too that you didn’t get the new iPod during this holiday
season. I’m not judging you. I mean, I myself have useless
conversations on a cellular phone that costs more than what 300 people
live on each day and I walk around wearing a Bluetooth headset to make
myself feel important!
UNICEF just put out this statement:
“Nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion - a majority of humanity - live
on less than $1 per day, while the world’s 358 billionaires have assets
exceeding the combined annual incomes of countries with 45 percent of
the world’s people.” Is that just a random fact I copy and pasted?
am angry because we couldn’t collect more than $100.00 for those hungry
children you couldn’t care less about while we stood all day in front
of a shopping mall in Calabasas where the shoppers drove no less than
their pimped out brand new models of Mercedes Benz, BMW, Lexus and
guess what? That’s the Middle class man’s car in those areas. Their
16-year-old daughters who all look alike drive Maseratis and hold
$1,500 purses that “daddy” bought for them for Christmas. It’s much
cooler, trust me.
I am angry! At you, no, not you the reader,
but me, the girl who stares back at me in the mirror. I am angry
because I sat down to write something worth reading and all I have done
is given you facts and figures you should know already. I bet you’re
angry too because I am making you feel guilty. I mean it’s all for a
reason right? All this madness, sadness, and chaos? Maybe if I believed
in your omnibenevolent God, I wouldn’t be so angry. Maybe then I could
justify through the misuse of logic how an all loving and an all
knowing, an all powerful God has decided that it’s justice for little
kids in the Middle East to have to pick mine bombs as a job to feed
their families while your little cousins, nephews, and nieces pick
daisies and strawberries for fun. I am angry, and bitter, and all fired
up but aren’t you tired of all these angry liberals? I mean you hear
enough sarcasm on Saturday Night Live. You don’t need another self
righteous hypocrite to tell you how unfair this world is. You don’t
need to feel patronized, interrogated, and guilt tripped? You didn’t
choose to be born in this country, or with a silver spoon, or ignorant.
All you can do is feed yourself and your own family. Life is a
struggle, you didn’t decide for the rest of the world to starve. It’s
all for a higher purpose anyways, right?
Listen, I am angry!
I am angry that I walk through Berkley, the supposed liberal heaven and
I see Che Guevara on sale. Google him, I bet you’ve already seen his
pictures amongst your little brother’s band shirts. No, Che isn’t a
band. He was a guerrilla fighter against oppression, or to please
others he was a terrorist and guess what? They sell him now! Capitalism
prints his photos on bikinis and Adriana Lima proudly wears it on the
catwalk for the pleasure of your senses. You can now pre-order
Rebellion, Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Equality, and all your ideologies
can be shipped free to the comfort of your door at no extra charge. And
while you’re at it, why don’t you send Democracy to Iraq, Iran, Syria,
Palestine and Afghanistan? They will gladly take your imposed ideas and
wear it to their Intifada.
So now that our heroes and idols
are sold on the shelves of our highly glamorous bourgeois malls, who
are we supposed to worship? I mean this is a hero-worshipping land
right? How many super hero movies were blockbuster hits this past year?
I am angry and let me tell you why. So us women, if we need a
role model why don’t we idolize Angelina Jolie? I mean, she’s
beautiful, sexy, a humanitarian, she even has an environmentalist
boyfriend and a multi colored family. She deserves my respect for being
a sexually liberated woman with her own opinions. What else can I
strive to be?
So I am angry that for the first time in the
history of the most powerful nation in the world, yes, The United
States of America, we have a major female presidential candidate and
she is not supported by the majority of her gender because she isn’t
woman enough! What does that mean? And in other news, our other
candidate, a man of color, isn’t black enough for our tastes! If those
are the criteria by which we vote for our leaders, I now understand why
Bush was selected president, the Jesus-loving, homophobic, hypocritical man IS indeed white enough!
am angry that I know injured veterans who still swear by their
military, and when they are trying to impress you they talk about how
they marched with their over sized rifles in ROTC at the age of 14. I
am angry because people dare talk about freedom and responsibility,
they dare look me in the eyes and tell me that this war we are fighting
is a “war on terror” and it’s about humanity. Since you happen to know
the truth delivered to you by FOX news, since you seem to be convinced
that our government is the best in the world, tell me then why in 1988
when Halabja was bombed with nerve agents Sarin, Tabun and VX, as well
as mustard gas, when 5000 people literally dropped dead, and thousands
are still suffering today, no one started looking for “weapons of mass
destruction”. There is in fact half a page on the event on Wikipedia,
your convenient reliable source of choice. That’s right. You didn’t
even know about Halabja. You were watching The Young and the Restless
while that happened. A decade later, the 3000 people who died on
September 11, 2001 are forever remembered and the world is never the
same again.
Tell me again, tell me how this war is justified
so that I can tell you how many gallons of blood equals a barrel of
oil. “Oh! She is one of those conspiracy theorists”, you’re probably
thinking. I mean we all know our SUVs waste a lot of oil but we have
Alaska, no need to go overseas. I am angry because you complain about
gas prices while you’re driving your brand new Hummer and you’re not at
all worried about global warming. Let Al Gore take care of that.
me again how this war is about the people so I can tell you about the
thousands of refugees this war has created, so that I can tell you
about the tents and the cargo ships and the group shacks, not homes,
they live in. Tell me it’s about the future, so that I can tell you
about their living conditions, which even films labeled “Quentin
Tarantino Presents” couldn’t envision. Tell me again how wonderful this
freedom-loving, democratic, secular government is, so that I can tell
you how the Kurds put their lives in danger to help our cause during
the war only to see our lovely Condoleezza Rice shake hands with the
prime minister of Turkey and watch them bombard the already ruined
homes of the Kurds. When did betrayal become ethical? Thanks to the
Patriot Act even torture can be considered lawful. Tell me again about
civil liberties in this country so that I can tell you just how much
respect our queer families receive. I am angry because human life isn’t
measured equally. Your life is worth far more than the disposable human
guinea pigs of Africa and Asia. While you’re at your baseball game and
eating $8 hot dogs, little children in downtown LA, not Africa, but in
LA, go to sleep hungry.
I am angry because it’s Saturday
night and while you’re out with your buddies downing a 6-pack or on a
date, all I’ve managed to accomplish is look like a pessimistic passive
writer. I am not considered a brave, courageous, rebellious activist
because if I were, I wouldn’t be here. I mean with my psychiatric
history, thanks to the Virginia Tech. massacre, not only would I not be
able to buy a gun, but quite easily they can claim an “accidental”
suicide as the cause of my death tomorrow morning. No, I’m not paranoid
because I don’t think they are listening; I know! What am I
complaining about? I mean there are men and women out there who are
fighting in Iraq so that I can write propaganda and feed your illusions
of freedom, so that I can make you feel like something is being done by
someone. Go ahead, call me a bitch! Oops, was that politically correct?
Let’s talk about freedom of speech for a second. I am angry because
censorship has taken a whole new meaning. It’s not about approving a
script or book before it’s published, there is a much better mechanism
in effect. It’s called self-censorship. We’re all so afraid to say the
wrong thing at the wrong time that we just don’t say anything at all.
Well I’m so angry that I’m going to say it all. Racism exists and
slavery is far from over! “Did she just say what I think she said?”
Yes, I did. Next time you see your amigo go to work on Labor Day and
pull off an 18 hour shift at minimum wage, you’ll know just what I
mean. I am angry, no, not at you the religious fanatic, no, not at you,
the cheerleader and sorority sister, no, not at you the baseball star,
I am angry at these pseudo liberals who are outraged by the West Bank
fences but end up volunteering to “protect” our borders from illegal
immigrants and vote for their deportation. I am angry at these double
standards. I am angry that you shout and riot about labels and
stereotypes, yet right and left you call everyone names. I am angry
that you’re willing to stand in line 12 hours, all night, in front of a
retail store, but it hasn’t occurred to you to spend an hour with an
ill child at a local hospital.
So all this said and done,
what I am really angry about is that on Thursday morning my idol was
assassinated. I bet you heard about the Pakistani leader who was shot;
she did have quite a photogenic face. Although there hasn’t been half
as much coverage on Benazir Bhutto’s murder as there was for Anna
Nicole Smith’s overdose. I mean you don’t see Bhutto’s face by every
grocery store checkout stand. I am angry because she was a woman worth
looking up to, because she was a woman worth striving to be, but when
she died and I called my friend in tears, she said: “Oh my God, who
died?” Last month Bhutto told TIME Magazine that she is not afraid. I
am angry because she wasn’t scared. She said in one of her interviews
that her Mother’s Kurdish blood gave her the courage she needs to
fight. I am angry that the same blood runs through me but I AM afraid.
I wouldn’t walk through a country where every day a suicide bombing has
cleared the streets in the past month. I am afraid but courage isn’t
the absence of fear; it’s the ability to face it. I am angry because I
don’t know what to answer when I ask myself: “Would I die for my
people?” But a few years ago I was willing to die for my boyfriend;
getting his name tattooed was the only thing off limits. I am afraid
because this world is like a chess game and all they have to do when a
piece is in the way is to eliminate it, terminate it, brutally,
forcefully, violently, and ruthlessly silence it. I bet the western
strategists who decided that she needed to be killed didn’t take into
account the psychology of the region. I bet they didn’t realize that in
those parts of the world the dead speak louder than the living. I bet
they didn’t foresee the chaos that has overtaken Pakistan since. I bet
they didn’t take into account our martyr-worshiping mentalities and
didn’t realize death is powerless in the face of truth, that death is a
catalysis, that it becomes a reason and ideas are bullet proof.
want to silence people, give them drugs! Learn from the way the
government is enjoying full access to one of the world’s largest opium
supplies in Afghanistan and is pouring it in the streets of Iran, to
dig the youth in their own self-destructive holes. They call it “the
silent genocide” where I come from. Or what about the way our health
care system is willing to pay for anti-depressants but doesn’t cover
therapeutic sessions for your suicidal kids. I am angry because our
kids are loaded on Zoloft and Prozac because our fast-food nation needs
a quick fix for their blues. I guess we are all overworked and can’t
afford British nannies like the ones on Nanny 911, to take care of them
so instead we have 1000 channels that they can watch on a big screen TV
to keep them occupied. Sure, the Simpsons and Family Guy can teach them
family values. Next time their father decides to abuse them they can
relate to Bart who is systematically, for your amusement, choked by
You can see this article at:

Tragedy in Virginia By: Cklara MoradianOn
April 16th 2007, the deadliest school shooting in modern day history
took place at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg Virginia, US. 32 people were
shot to death and 25 people were injured followed by the suicide of the
perpetrator. This event brought out political, moral, psychological,
and social issues regarding race, mental health, gun control,
journalism ethics, and campus safety for people around the world. The
media coverage as well as the international response was immense and
the implications of this act, as well as how America responded to it
was somewhat problematic. (More)
A report on the ceremony honoring the Kurdish Republic Of Mahabad,
Los Angeles, USA
By: Cklara Moradian
On Saturday, January 27th 2007, The Kurdish Community of Southern
California held a tribute ceremony in the memory of the 61st
anniversary of the Republic of Kurdistan, Mahabad 1946.
The ceremony began at 7:00pm with a welcome message by Mr. Azad Moradian and the master of ceremony.
A moment of silence was called in name of Qazi Mohammad and in the
honor of all the Kurdish martyrs who have sacrificed their lives in the
name of Kurdistan. Ms. Shirin Parvar, a well-known Kurdish singer,
powerfully sang the Kurdish anthem and the participants accompanied her
during the chorus lines. She ended her performance with a short message
on behalf of all Kurdish artists honoring the Republic of Kurdistan.
Several representatives from Kurdish organizations announced tribute messages on behalf of their members: more....
Misery (1990)Directed by: Rob ReinerWriting credits (WGA)Stephen King (novel)William Goldman (screenplay)Cklara Moradian
December 5, 2006Clinical Assessment of Annie Wilkes from MiseryOverview:In
the movie Misery a famous romance novelist Paul Sheldon is rescued from
a car wreck by Annie Wilkes and nursed back to health in her
comfortable cabin. Annie Wilkes introduces herself as a certified nurse
and his “number one fan” and tells Paul that he has nothing to worry
about. In the beginning, Annie is presented as a capable, caring, and
devoted fan who is willing to help Paul get back on his feet and go
back to his normal life but very soon it becomes apparent that her
motives are not sensible. Annie displays a series of obsessive,
delusional and dangerous behaviors through the course of several weeks
that reveal her unstable troubled mind. Paul becomes trapped in a game
of life and death in the mercy of a woman who is clearly a psychopath. Character overview:Annie
Wilkes is a 48-50 years old Caucasian woman. She lives alone in Silver
Creek, Colorado in a cabin and owns farming land and animals. She is
single and does not have family, friends, or close acquaintances. She
is heavy built, strong, physically healthy, and an independent woman.
She works on her farm and takes care of a few farm animals including
her pig pet “Misery”. Her house is well organized, clean, and detail
oriented. As needed she drives her car to the local shop in town and
purchases basic items. She cooks her meals and enjoys late night dating
shows on her television set. She does not have a telephone line but has
telephones around the house. She dresses in conservative attire and
always wears a Cross necklace around her neck. She is very religious
and mentions God many times during her conversations. She speaks in a
proper English and does not use foul language. The joy of her life
comes from reading romance novels written by Paul Sheldon. She has the
collection of Paul Sheldon’s books and has read these books several
times each. She has most of the stories memorized by heart and
associates closely with the heroine of the novels Misery Chastaine.Background history:There
are very limited information regarding the character’s background and
developmental history. Most of the information has been attained from
newspaper articles and other documentations found in her house, or
through her conversations. The newspaper articles were found in her
“scrap book” in which she creatively organized major events of her
life. It appears that Annie Wilkes is the only daughter of Carl
and Nancy Wilkes and lived her childhood in Bakersfield California. The
character mentions that her favorite activity while growing up in
Bakersfield was to go to the movies and watch “chapter plays”. She also
says that she was not very popular with other children because of her
temper. An article in a local Bakersfield newspaper, found in the
patient’s “scrap book”, reveals that on Sunday June 29th, 1963 Carl
Wilkes, a local Investment Banker had been found dead by his 11 year
old daughter Annie Wilkes after falling off from the stairs of their
home. The article announces the incident as a “freak accident”. The
relationship between the patient and her parents is unknown; therefore,
an accurate speculation regarding the significance of Carl Wilkes death
on then 11-year-old Annie Wilkes cannot be made. Assumptions can be
made, however, on the traumatic affect of a parent’s death on a child.
There is no evidence that the death of Carl Wilkes was in fact an
accident. A card is pasted next to the article with the words “With
Love to Dad on Father’s day”. Annie does not mention her parents in
any conversations with Paul. Annie Wilkes attended the University
of California Los Angeles Nursing School and earned her RN with
honors. Articles in the patient’s “scrap book” reveal that an
honor-nursing student at UCLA had died from injuries to the head after
falling off of the stairs and that Annie Wilkes had been a witness of
the accident. The relationship, role, or significance of this classmate
is unknown. Following that article are other obituaries revealing
“accidental” or “mysterious” deaths of several people in the intensive
care unit where Annie Wilkes had been in charge as a head nurse. She
took the post of head maternity nurse at Elridge County Memorial
Hospital in Denver, and a series of mysterious deaths began to take
siege of the hospital’s maternity unit. Several articles dated in 1984
reveal that 5 babies had been found dead within a month and Annie
Wilkes was taken to court and questioned as a suspect; however, they
did not find her guilty of the murders.Annie Wilkes does reveal
that she had been married and when her husband left her she was
unprepared and took on more work, including night shifts at the
hospital. There is no mention of Annie having any children of her own. Diagnosis:Axis I: 295.70 Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type Annie
Wilkes meets all of the Diagnostic Criteria for Schizoaffective
disorder. She falls into the subtype Bipolar type due to the fact that
she displays mixed episodes of depressed moods and hypo manic states
along with delusions. Symptoms begin to reveal themselves very
early in the story. After reading several pages of Paul Sheldon’s
unpublished book, Annie is offended beyond remorse by the profanity of
the literature. The next day she tells Paul that “I asked God about you
and God said I delivered him on to you so you might show him the way”
and then she forces Paul to “rid the world of the filth” by burning his
book. When Paul refuses, she goes as far as pouring gasoline on his bed
and gesturing burning him if he does not obey. Annie mentions that God
came to her and told her that Paul’s purpose for being there was so
that she could help him write another “Misery” novel. Annie tells Paul
that she has known for some time why she was “chosen” to save him and
that they are meant to be together forever and in order for that to
happen they have to die together. She says, “Now the time has come. I
put two bullets in my gun. One for me, and one for you. Oh darling, it
will be so beautiful.” Annie suffers from shifting moods. She goes
from being suicidal on a rainy night to making pig noises in an
energetic, hyper mood and playing with her pet on another day. Axis II: 301.22 Schizotypal Personality DisorderAnnie
Wilkes meets most of the criteria for the Schizotypal Personality
Disorder. She lives alone in a remote area outside of town, and does
not have any close friends or acquaintances, which reflects “pervasive
pattern of social and interpersonal deficits”, seen in this personality
disorder. She enjoys the company of a pig rather than people. She has
eccentric behaviors and mannerism that seem odd and at times bizarre.
She jumps up and down when she gets excited even though she is close to
50 years old. She uses words such as “dirty-birdy” and “cocka-doodie”
and her language is over elaborated when she wants to express strong
emotions. Her facial expressions are excessive and animated. Annie
Wilkes has many features of borderline personality disorder as well;
however, does not meet the DSM criteria or the key feature of this
personality disorder, which is a pattern of unstable and intense
interpersonal relationship and intolerance for being alone. Some of
these borderline” features are: She has no impulse control. She becomes
angry and irritable very easily and goes from sitting quietly to
jumping from her seat and screaming at the top of her lungs. After
reading a few pages of Paul’s unpublished book she is sitting by his
side, feeding him soup and expressing her concern with the profanity
and in mere few seconds she becomes so angry that she spills the soup
on the bed. Her feelings for Paul Sheldon shifts from adulation to
loathing. When she realizes that at the end of the eighth book Misery
dies she barges into Paul’s room in the middle of the night
hysterically and yells “YOU! YOU DIRTY BIRD, HOW COULD YOU! She can't
WANT HER, AND YOU MURDERED HER! I thought you were good Paul but you’re
not good! You’re just another lying dirty birdy!” Only a day before
this event she had said that the Sistine Chapel and Misery’s child
(Paul’s book) were the only two divine things on earth. Another
major feature that is worth mentioning is that Annie feels no empathy
and does not seem to regret her destructive behaviors. In this sense
she displays features of Anti-social personality disorder.Major Defense Mechanism: Denial: Annie continues to believe that Paul will eventually like being with her even though it is obvious that he despises her.Fantasy: Annie is consumed in the Misery novels and lives vicariously through Misery.Projection:
Annie has killed many people in her life; however, when Misery dies in
the novel she accuses Paul of being a murder. Rationalization:
Annie rationalizes her actions and behaviors by saying that God told
her to do what she is doing and that it is her duty.Reaction
formation: Annie has become very religious, she says people should help
other people and wants to “rid the world of filth” even though she has
killed and hurt people all of her life. She has chosen the nursing
profession where she has to nurse people despite the fact that she
hurts and kills them. Emotional Insulation: Annie’s disconnect with people and living alone could be an example of trying to reduce ego involvement.Regression: Annie behaves very immaturely and childlike when she is excited or not in charge.Identification: Annie associates herself with the Misery novels and feels important by being Paul Sheldon’s “biggest fan”.Acting
out: Annie said she was unhappy and lonely working long hours at the
hospital, at the same time she began killing babies which could be an
example of acting out.Splitting: Annie sees Paul as all good one
minute and all bad in another minute. She feels overwhelmingly happy
and feels that life is full of joy and romance when her needs are met
but suicidal and depressed when she feels vulnerable. Fixation: Annie is obsessed with Paul and the Misery novels.Axis III: NoneThere
is no reference or indication of a general medical condition. Annie
Wilkes seems like a very healthy and strong individual despite being
somewhat over weight.Axis IV:Problems with primary support
group: Annie’s father died when she was 11 and her mother’s ware about
is unknown. She has no siblings or family members. Husband abandoned
her several years ago and she has no children.Problems related to
the social environment: No support system is available. Living alone.
Annie was fired from the hospital and can no longer work as a nurse.
She has been nicknamed “The Dragon Lady” by the media following the
baby deaths. Problems related to interaction with the legal
system/crime: Annie had been a suspect in the deaths of newborn babies
several years ago. She was found not guilty.Axis V: Global Assessment of functioning (GAF) for Annie Wilkes is 10 Although
Annie seems functional she is a “persistent danger of severely hurting
self and others…” and thus her GAF falls in the rage of below 10.Possible Etiology:Schizoaffective disorder is most probably caused by biological and genetic factors.The
personality disorder can be rooted from traumatic childhood
experiences, family instability, and maladaptive role models. In
Annie’s case, very little is known about her upbringing and family
dynamic therefore it can not be determined what could have set the
stage for her behaviors.Treatment Modalities:Annie needs to be
incarcerated immediately and under 24 hour supervision in order to
prevent her from killing herself or someone else. Under a
psychiatrist’s care she need to be put on antipsychotic medication and
perhaps mood stabilizers. Her medications need to be closely monitored
in order to stabilize her and prevent her from not taking them. The
best therapeutic approach for Annie would be a cognitive-behavioral
approach to help her manage her anger, and control her impulses. Since
Annie is intellectually capable, a psychodynamic therapy can also be
useful in understanding why she engages in hurting others and helping
her face reality by giving up her maladaptive habitual defense
mechanisms. Prognosis: Very Poor
Due to the severity of her
symptoms the only hope would be to maintain her from being a danger to
herself and others. Treatment should mostly be focused on stabilization
The Gibbon Conservation Center Field Trip Report
photo by J. Zuckerman
Cklara MoradianMay 2006On
April 22, 2006 my boyfriend and I visited the Gibbon Conservation
Center in Santa Clarita. My friend Adam from class was supposed to join
us, however, he was unable to make it so I promised him a detailed
report as well as countless pictures. I was extremely excited. I had
been sick the previous weeks and couldn’t visit the center. I was up
early morning to pack breakfast and sandwiches for lunch as well as
water bottles, camera, and paper and pen. At 7:30 am my boyfriend was
at the door and we set out for Santa Clarita with two pages of
directions. I had to be back home by 5pm to go to work so it was
crucial for us to catch the 10:30 am tour so that I could still have
time to do observations. Unfortunately neither my boyfriend nor I are
very good with directions and we ended up passing the center and headed
towards the hills an extra 14 miles. We finally had to stop at a gas
station out in the middle of nowhere to buy a map and ask for
directions. We found the center at 10:15am. It was a long and
frustrating drive since we were arguing about the directions the whole
way. However, the minute we got out of the car everything was great.
The open field and fresh air was a welcoming atmosphere. The weather
was rather cloudy and a few drizzles fell here and there but it wasn’t
cold. A volunteer at the entrance asked us to wash the bottom of our
shoes in a water bucket. I found this incredibly strange especially
because the water looked dirty, but I didn’t have time to ask what the
purpose was. I was wearing boots so it wasn’t a big deal for me to put
my shoes in the water but I felt sorry for the girl in front of me who
was wearing sandals and was scared of getting her feet wet by the
disgusting water. We all signed in, paid our “donations’ and walked
towards the group. Alan Mootinick was our tour guide. We were honored
to hear that the director of the gibbon center was giving us a tour
himself. I had seen his pictures on the website so it was great to meet
him in person. He was a passionate tour guide. He knew every gibbon’s
name, age, history, and where they came from. He spoke of them as if
they were his children and was very humorous. He told the group
interesting stories rather than scientific explanations and
descriptions. He told us that we should look up their scientific names
on the website if we have to write a report. I liked his method because
it made the tour more interesting. He told us a great deal about the
dangers the gibbons are facing and he was incredibly proud of the work
that the center has done for the preservation of these species. He told
us about how horrendous the paper work and procedures are to get these
animals transported from zoos or the wild to the center between
different countries. He told us that transportations have to be made so
that a more diverse blood mix can be made. There are four genuses of
Gibbons that currently exist in the world and this center is the only
place that has all four in captivity. He was a mellow and gentle man
with a great cause and I was truly inspired. Watching the gibbons was
very fascinating and we were delighted by the sight of the infant
Gibbons that Alan was very proud of. By each cage, Alan answered our
questions and was very patient with us. Some of the most fascinating
stories were the mating behaviors that a few of the gibbons have
exhibited in captivity. He told us that one of the male Pileatus
Gibbons had a hard time being stimulated by the female gibbon and
preferred the company of humans and would sit on the head of the female
and masturbate. The group could not stop laughing especially because
Alan was telling us this story as if it was the most common thing he
has ever seen. He told us that after months it was finally able to mate
with the female and now they have three children. This story, he said,
shows the damages that improper interactions between humans and the
animals can have. He is doing his best to teach researchers and
volunteers to study these animals without direct contact and in order
not to modify their natural behaviors. The cages looked rather small
for a family of 5. I felt really sorry for the Gibbons; however, Alan
reassured us that the amount of space is sufficient for them. In fact
he travels to several zoos and teaches them how to create a comfortable
environment for Gibbons using the least amount of space. They are
expanding the center’s territory but the funds are low. He told us that
currently he is writing papers for peer reviews that will be published
in scientific journals but what he likes best is to spend time in the
field. He also told us about the efforts they are making to educate the
people of the villages who live close to the Gibbon’s natural
inhabitants. The number one cause of Gibbon’s premature death is due to
humans. It really brought a great deal of shame to us all but a center
like this is a sign of hope. I took a great deal of pictures and some
notes. In the middle of the tour around 11:15 the Siamang’s who are the
largest species in the center began to make loud noises. Alan told us
that these are territorial songs and soon the other gibbons will join
and it will not end for a while. Suddenly they all began to “sing”.
Alan was unable to continue his tour. He told us that Gibbon’s are the
loudest land primates. Alan told us that the Gibbons sing three or four
times a day for a period of 10 to 20 minutes. At first it was
fascinating but after about 10 minutes it was unbearable. It sounded
like a parking lot where all the car alarms have been turned on at the
same time!!! There was a great deal of interesting information about
the different songs the Gibbons sing, their coloration and family
system. The oldest gibbon alive is 54 years old. They are one of the
only monogamous primates and the female are generally in charge. Being
a feminist I thought this was wonderful piece of information…☺ One of
the volunteers began feeding the Gibbons and it was interesting to see
the mother Gibbons feed the infants. At
the end of the tour I bought a shirt and a stuffed Gibbon as a souvenir
and donated some money so that I could feel like I have made a
contribution even if it is quite small. Alan told me that the amount I
donated can feed one gibbon for 25 days. I felt proud. The
Gibbon I spend an hour observing was a female mother of the Pileatus
Gibbon specie from the genus Hylobates. This genus resides mostly in
the wild forests of southern Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. They have 44
chromosomes. This particular pileatus came from southern Thailand and
had been in the center for many years. She had blond fur, the typical
Gibbon long arms which are ½ times as long as her legs. She has some
black fur around her head and chest and was carrying her 6 months old
female infant with her most of the time. The infant clung to her
mother’s neck and wrapped her feet around her body. The infant was one
of the most adorable animals I have ever seen. I used to think that
Gibbons are generally ugly creatures, but after visiting the center and
watching this Pileatus for an hour I changed my mind. She lived in a
cage with her other children, a son and another daughter, and her mate.
She spent most of her time with the infant and didn’t let go of the
infant even when she was swinging around or singing her song. The
infant seldom let go of her mother. Once in a while it would hold on to
the cage only a few inches away from her mother. The infant tried to
swing a few times, however, her mother was very protective of her. I
didn’t see the mother nurse but she groomed the infant from time to
time. She didn’t show much reaction to the human visitors. In fact she
seemed like she could care less. Most of her attention was towards the
infant. Even the other members of her family could not distract her. I
found their connection very beautiful. She was one of the loudest
gibbons. The volunteer told me that she is in charge of the family so
she claims the dominance by her songs. Her songs went on for about 20
minutes. Her infant did not sing. I think she was too young to make the
loud noises. I forgot to ask what age they begin their singing. At one
point she reached over to a bucked that was close by and took out a
leaf to eat. The infant playfully stole the leaf and ate it. After that
the mother fed her infant the leaves before eating herself. I
videotaped the whole thing so that I could fill out the chart after my
Visiting the Gibbon Center was a wonderful learning experience as well
as a great and different way to spend a Saturday with my boyfriend. I
think as the gibbons bonded so did we. I really did not know that I
liked animals this much until this point. I planned to visit the zoo
more often particularly to see the ape exhibits. As I walked around in
the center I saw a few other interesting things. There was a sign by a
NEXT CAGE”. Gibbon’s are very fascinating creatures especially in their
mating behaviors. They seem to be somehow closer to humans because they
mate privately unlike most other apes. I
learned that preserving endangered animals is a challenging task that
requires a great deal of effort by amazing people like Alan. I don’t
think anyone of us sits on a daily basis and thinks about how to save
anyone especially a gibbon but going there made me think about devoting
myself to a cause, what ever that might be. It seems hard to believe
that visiting a gibbon center can have such a tremendous effect but
believe it or not I was inspired and that inspiration, along with the
shirt, pictures, and memories is what I ultimately took home with me.

Matt McGrath makes a deal with a devil, played by Vance Avery, in the darkly poetic tuner directed by avant-gardist Robert Wilson.
Cklara Moradian October 25, 2006
Reviewing a Critics Review
Several months ago I was privileged to see a show in the Ahmanson
Theater that was not only a controversial unconventional contemporary
musical, but also quite fascinating and bizarre. It was one of the most
incredible experiences of my life and as a friend who attended the play
with me put it “it was a trip!” The Black Rider: The Casting of the
Magic Bullets: Musical fable is an artistic collaboration of three of
America’s most brilliant men, director-designer Robert Wilson,
songwriter Tom Waits, and text writer William S. Burroughs and had been
on tour for years in Europe in German and came to the US for an English
production in 2004, and was finally put up in the Ahmanson Theater in
2006 where I was blessed with front row tickets. Despite its long
history of success, all of the local magazines and newspapers mentioned
the play only in passing and I was not able to find a thorough
criticism of the play at the time. Writing this paper was a great
opportunity for me to hunt for an article regarding the play that I had
become infatuated with and mesmerized by and my search led me to an
older piece from the archives of SFGATE.com written by award winning
critic Robert Hurwitt who is currently a Chronicle Theater critic. This
piece was written at the time of the Black Rider’s opening in San
Francisco’s American Conservatory Theater in 2004.
Judging by the length of the article (three printable pages), the
writer’s thorough knowledge of the artists and their professional
history, as well as his well written poetic language, this article is
clearly written by a critic. The article emphasizes that the artist
succeeded at portraying what they wanted to portray and that it was all
worth while, but ironically never mentions what the artist were
attempting to do. Another criterion that I think is very important to
be considered by a critic is the play’s relativity to the society and
the audience who came to view the performance. Unfortunately there is
no mention of the effects of the production on its viewers but does
mention that the work has a “…surprising emotional impact…”
If the historical facts mentioned are omitted, the article consists
mostly of the critic’s opinion of the play and the artists. It begins
with “…performances are as mesmerizing as they are flawless…” and
continuous to beautifully describe the incredible production. The
article is mainly a descriptive criticism and does not include any
flaws about the performance or ways it could have been improved. The
writer definitely sells this play in a very poetic professional manner.
If I had never seen this play before I would not miss it after reading
this article. How could any reader refuse a play that is described as
“…more than a triumphant season opener... It's a gift.” The passionate
descriptions lack objectivity and constructive criticism. The critic
does not mention any bias that has turned his attention to the
perfections of the production and blinded him from its flaws.
A great strength of the article is that it gives a quick background
history of the play and the artistic cast and crew “…"Rider" may be
firmly rooted in its early 19th century sources - - the German folk
tale by Johann August Apel and Friedrich Laun…” and it also mentions
just about every significant member of the production “It's all
beautifully packaged…” and he goes on, touching on everyone from the
director “…[w]idely considered one of the world's most influential
directors…” to makeup artists and costume designers “[t]he makeup is
expressionist, white with geometric highlights and hair that stands up
like a shocked bush or cascades forward over half a face. Frida
Parmeggiani's sumptuous flowing gowns and impossibly long tailcoats
play lightly with the expressionist theme in rich shades of black, red
and cream.” All of the twelve actors are more or less mentioned and
praised for their excellence “…it's performed by a superb ensemble…” He
also mentions the light and technical directors as well as the
musicians “…performed with irresistible verve by musical director Bent
Clausen's expert pit orchestra…” The writer very effectively summarizes
the play without giving away too many details. The critic makes it
clear that the play is a contemporary expressionist play “…Wilson
shapes his collaborators' work with equally inventive eclecticism that
draws deeply on vaudeville, German expressionism…” and mentions the
social satire and metaphoric symbolism in the play “…black box that
becomes one of Wilson's primary visual metaphors -- disgorging the
characters like clowns from a tiny car, rising, fading into a wall of
black, hovering over the action.”
Despite its shortcomings, the article as a whole is a great example of
a well written criticism. The language is very descriptive, poetic, and
elaborate. The reader’s of this article need to have a thorough
knowledge of the English language as well as an ability to understand
metaphoric speech. Even some cultural and literary knowledge is
necessary to understand the depth of the writer’s descriptions. The
writing style is beautiful; however, at times excessively wordy. A
dictionary is necessary for anyone who is not typically a reader of
literature. Several words that I had to look up were “ethereal” meaning
of or relating to the regions beyond the earth, “laconic” meaning
concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious and “sardonic”
meaning disdainfully or skeptically humorous: derisively mocking.
Perhaps my own bias prohibits me from criticizing the critic too much,
for indeed the play was nearly perfect and is as the writer of the
article says “"Black Rider" is a masterpiece on its own terms.”
- The day the sun never rose I awoke far before the sun rays could creep in with
their playful hands through the thick colorless curtains of my
house and bring the message of dawn to our perhaps dreamless sleeps
and silently whisper that she has arrived. I awoke and wore a dress
of the bluebell’s and violet’s grace and set out to
the fields of my mother’s land. I walked among the grass
that grew knee high and the crimson flowers who had not yet unveiled
from their gentle moonlight rest. With such childlike innocence
I flouted like a butterfly that has come to greet the blooming
- A passing thought Sitting in the corner of my quiet room, holding my shaking knees and
rocking back and forth to the soothing melody of a music that sheds
tears for a land far away, for a land unknown, unheard of, forgotten
under the shadow of tragedy, I find my teary eyes weary. A clear voice
begins to raise the weeping sounds of a yearning, a longing and sings
passionately of the agony, of the misery:
Birndar kirim xerbiy,
Crime And Punishment
Crime and Punishment By: Cklara Moradian Within
my mother’s womb I swam, unaware of whom I was. Within the protection
of her safety nest I grew, unaware of the world I was yet to be born
to. Unaware of the scarlet letter I was already bearing upon my chest,
unaware of the mark that the world had already stamped upon my
forehead, the symbol, the label that was being stitched upon my skin,
the labels that my fathers before me had carried upon their backbones,
the onus, the burden that my mothers in the snowy mountains had carried
upon their shoulders. Before I ever set eyes upon the illuminating
darkness of today and tomorrow and all the days that passes me by, this
world had already given me my name, and that identity brought a
sentence that I had already been condemned to. I was given birth, and
was embraced within thousands of years of history, culture, heritage
and a sweet mother tongue, but the world knew me as inferior, looked
down upon me, taking even the basic rights of the human body. I lived
in a heroic reverie, grew, and was entangled in a legacy left behind by
the people who bore my name, by the legacy of the brave, and the
selfless who suffered for the land they walked upon and were tortured
for the air they breathed, were stoned and hanged for the purity of the
blood that ran through their veins. I walked, and slept to the
lullabies of the mothers who ran through the mine fields and sang for
the children who would never again awaken. I spoke, and hummed a melody
to the rhythm of the bombshells that bombarded the backyard of my
grandfather’s apple garden. I learned, and smelled through the blind
the intoxicated air that they breathed one lethal silent afternoon in
March. I watched, and saw through the deaf the bloodshed they cleaned
after that clod winter night in January. I was driven away, all had to
be left behind and nostalgia, exile and the meaning of the electric
wires of the boarders were soon clearly felt. What is it about
loneliness that makes us so detached and small? I feel the anger within
me rise, the anger of generations of suppressed people, the anger of
not having the right to say who I am, be who I am, show the pride of my
history, my heritage, my identity, my dignity, have a country, a home.
What is it about anger that makes us so passionate and yet so helpless?
What is it about freedom that we humans so desperately long for, need,
desire, want, fight for, and die for? Why will they not set us free? I
need an answer! Yet no one is willing to say a word. Who am I in a
stranger’s land? Who am I but a wanderer that yearns for the smell of
the soil that carries my roots? Who am I, kinem, men kem in the land
where the name of my people are forgotten under the shadow of tragedy,
of misery? Who am I in the stranger’s eyes when in the weary eyes of my
own land I am just another agonizing memory of all the injustices and
all the unfairness? What is it about cruelty that is so hard to grasp?
A single silent moment and I realize that through and through from the
moment I began to form my existence I have always been what the world
has tried to destroy, dissect and deform, tear apart and burn,
extinguish the flame of life through genocide after genocide, through
mass graves of the children who were buried alive, and yet I still
stand, I still cry out and shout, I still try to reflect the spirit of
the many who marched before me and were silenced by cold inhumane
metallic bullets of animosity. A single silent moment and I sigh, I am
a Kurd and if that is my crime then never before have I been so proud
to announce myself as a criminal and if that is my punishment then
never before have I been so willing to pay for this condemned crime.
Self pity has never cured or healed anyone’s sickness, illness,
madness, pain. I am a Kurd and not a victim...perhaps the time of
redemption has come.
Authors and respective publishers are responsible for the content of this article
Kurdish Iranian Opposition Leader Seeks Clear Strategy From U.S.
Staff Reporter of the Sun |
May 18, 2007
Iraq — At his mountain
base just 62 miles from the Iranian border, the Kurdish Iranian
opposition leader says he is confused about the Americans.
Abdullah Mohtadi, the secretary-general of the Komala Party of
Iranian Kurdistan, asks bluntly, "What is the American policy on
Mr. Mohtadi, who has met with American officials in the past
year at the State Department and other government agencies, says
that when he describes his party's operations inside
and makes pleas for public support, all he gets are nods. "There
is no clear strategy in terms of Iranian opposition or Kurdish
opposition in
he says. "They show some sympathy toward us. They have started
to publicly say things about ethnic groups and women, but there
is no formal strategy. We still don't know what the
U.S. wants to do with
this regime."
The questions from Mr. Mohtadi, whose Komala Party is one of
four major Kurdish parties now organizing in Iran, would likely
surprise the Bush administration's spokesmen — and its critics.
The president himself touted a decision in 2006 to set aside
tens of millions of dollars for Iranian opposition groups and
the opening of a special office in
to monitor the Iranian regime's activities. Meanwhile, Seymour
Hersh has reported in the New Yorker on American contacts with
some Iranian ethnic factions. In March, ABC News had a report on
American links with Baluchi rebels in
blamed for exploding a bus carrying Iranian Revolutionary Guard
Mr. Mohtadi says his group, which claims some 800 fighters and a
non-violent wing that focuses largely on party organization and
propaganda, is not looking for
to invade
or even to provide military assistance, as Iraqi opposition
parties sought in the 1990s. "We are not asking for an invasion.
We are saying that helping Iranian parties fight for democracy
and regime change is good for us and good for
he says.
At least rhetorically, the president would appear to agree.
Since 2003, he has pledged that as Iranians stand up for their
political rights,
will stand with them. But this rhetorical support has been
matched with a record of privately and publicly seeking
negotiations with envoys of the Iranian regime, particularly
with regard to
This week, the Iranians agreed to specific days to meet with
their American counterparts to discuss Iraqi security, Last
month, the commander of the coalition forces in Iraq,
General David Petraeus, accused
Quds Force of spearheading an operation to kidnap and kill five
American soldiers near the Shiite holy city of
Mr. Mohtadi's request for American assistance also marks a
departure from the Iranian reformers and student groups in
who have supported a constitutional referendum aimed at
eliminating the unchecked power that the supreme leader and
council of guardians in
wield over the country's courts, military, and legislature. As
The New York Sun reported prior to his first trip to
the dissident writer Akbar Ganji specifically asked that
give him no support, noting that any American assistance would
lead to the deaths of his comrades. Mr. Ganji has not yet
returned to
The support Mr. Mohtadi seeks from
is conditional, however. He does not want, for example, to be
used as a cudgel to harass the regime. "It is better to publicly
announce support," he says. "This is a justifiable strategy in
terms of helping the Iranian people. Iranians deserve a better
regime. Iranians deserve a democratic government."
Inside a compound on the slopes of the
the Komala Party's operations appear modest. There are trailers,
running water, a space for military training, and even a
playground for children, guarded by a perimeter fence. Money for
living expenses, Mr. Mohtadi says, comes from the
regional government, which has asked his group, as well as the
Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, to refrain from launching
military operations inside
Mr. Mohtadi says he respects the wishes of his hosts and is
focusing his group's efforts on creating political cells inside
the Kurdish provinces, where he estimates 10 million Iranian
Kurds live.
The group's operations in
as well as a satellite television station based in
are funded by private donations from inside
and from Kurds in
Mr. Mohtadi says. Part of the Kurdish strategy in
is to form alliances with other ethnic factions, such as the
Ahwaz Arabs, Baluchis, and Azeris, he says.
In this respect, Mr. Mohtadi does not favor Kurdish separatism,
a thorny issue that has kept many in the Iranian opposition from
forging close ties with the Kurds.
"We believe in mobilizing people through mass protests. When the time is right for armed struggle, provided it is part of a
political struggle, we would consider it," he says.
The Komala Party has been affiliated with the Socialist
International. But Mr. Mohtadi says the European left in
particular has done little for his cause. "There was never a
clear strategy from our European comrades in terms of Iranian
opposition or the Kurdish opposition," he says.
Toward the end of an interview with the Sun, Mr. Mohtadi says he
now thinks he has some common ground with socialism's nemesis,
neoconservatives. "We have some things in common with the
neocons," he said. "We both believe in the democratization of
the whole Middle East."
Turkey's Suicide amass may lead to a possible
mess in a stone age war culture
By: Steve Tataii
July 16, 2006
The 200 thousands or so Turkish troops amassed behind Kurdistan borders may
Cause an all out war in the North, not only killing themselves sparked by a
shot, but also get a lot of other civilians, and Kurdish Security forces
killed, not mentioning possible US Forces added to the arena. The tensions
are at all time high.
Now, this could become one of the most stupid battles fought in the history
of warfare. On one side you'd have 200 thousands Turkish troops or
several thousands in each charge killed Where they stand by the brave
Peshmarga, and American Forces, and on the other side you'd have some
civilians, Security forces, and US troops accidentally shot by the clumsy
Turkish troops, forced to fight in any given war for the first time
against their wishes.
I have scrolled the pages of history in warfare, and the only such
stupid military suicide moves were only made in absolute desperation,
loss of pride to some idiot incompetent war monger General, or just
pure stupidity in miscalculating other side's military capabilities.
Let's not forget; that there was no jet fighter planes nor other
advanced reconnaissance system for thousands of years having said the
least, but there was abundant number of troops, and their warlords,
finding themselves dead into the battles they fought aimlessly, |
and lost.
Baghdad has just sent the wake up call to Ankara in shipping out their
troops away from Kurdish borders to ease the ongoing tensions. I doubt if
Turkish regime has the ears to listen, while 7 of our Peshmarga forces were
ambushed yesterday by the growing al-Qaeda's cowardly attacks, which also
means Turkey's aggression has caused such destabilizations to occur, and
this is not short of subversive behavior against US it considers friendly.
Turkey has just indicated to Secretary Rice's word of backing off from
their incursions; and has said something to the effect; that "we don't want
anyone telling us what to do, and will act unilaterally if we wish". This, while on July 22, 2007 they'll
hold their undemocratic elections, denying many well qualified Kurdish Candidates to participate,
because of the prison sentences illegally imposed based solely on their
Kurdish identity. Some Democratic state. |
I can't wait to see what their next
President, and parliament will be like!
How can a country with donated military machines, and the money allowed to
steal from the natural resources of its Kurdish neighbor for 85 years can be
so disgraceful, so callous, and so uncivilized, while pretending to be one of outright allies
in the post WWI, courtesy of Great Britain, and France, and jumping on the
Woodrow Wilson's Opportunity Band Wagon creating the League of
Nations, which was wrongfully executed at the tail end of their Treaty
of Serves,
and against President Wilson's self determination doctrine to create the
League in the first place?
There you have it. Let's say what needs to be said, and not leave any
stones unturned if we must end this bloody war now about to be expanded into
becoming another bigger war, and another Tyrant's football, no thanks to our
delayed actions caused by some foreign policy advisors, the same "old
fogies" still around even after their retirement. Those who protected
Turkey's criminal policies, campaigns of genocide, and they do so to
this day through their words or crony emissaries paid with a wealth of blood money in their
fat bank accounts.
Well, let me see. Aha I found it. Turkey isn't operating alone, and it
isn't making war strategies short of other suicide minded, yellow belly,
Lilly Liver big mouth advisors imported from the West aside the aforesaid
Great Britain's initiation 85 years ago, secondary to too much, and too many
freebies from our annual US foreign aid cookie jars since the Cold War,
and now Riding on the back of NATO like a parasite to continue
operating, but more like a seemingly incurable decease among the
wrongfully granted, and manufactured family of states with no sense of
identity of its own, other than the foreign puppet Ataturk's own
invention of a new TURKIC dialect for a mixed Turkic-Mongolian group, and its
bigoted, and criminal attempts at wiping out 30,000,000 Kurds, with their
oldest language, and |
12,000 years of Civilization second to none, forced to
live within an artificial border |
since 1923, again, courtesy of the Global
colonial powers, Great Britain primarily.
This is the worst of an old, broken, and crooked nation building in dire
need of change, and its founders, now after changes of their old guards,
inheriting a heritage, and a legacy of shame, they are incapable, and
incompetent to change, and many of whom lacking the dignity to step forward,
speak up, admit their dark past, and brave that long overdue change.
The question is, is; that "Are we, the allies in war since
2003 with the present modern warfare going to bow down at such a lazy,
disgraceful, unappreciative, and most of all unstable, and greedy
member state we've gotten stuck with since 1923?" Are we going to let
our comrades get killed senselessly, or are we going to remove the war
machines we gave them from post WWI, ending up to execute crimes
against humanity against 30,000,000 Kurds? The same arms, which is now
being claimed by Turkish regime as their new excuse for ongoing
incursions; that it has been issued to the Kurdish Guerillas, but
pretending it is coming from the North or South Kurdistan, while the
truth is; that it couldhave been taken away from their Turkish
security Guards inside their invaded Kurdish land?
Or are we just going to make it short, and simple by taking away those
heavy military machines, before they are unleashed on us in the wrong hands
as if they're toys, and by turning them into scrap metal right where they're
sitting, and can easily be detected by our satellites? I sure hope the
latter is our quick, and decisive strategy. This way, we will have permanently removed the cancer, and even enhanced
NATO's capability by kicking out this one menace "pain in the neck". Unless
Turkey's regime must begins cleansing
itself of bigots from bottom up, and not up to bottom before
being allowed back into the family of states, NATO, or any other Global network. Where else to start from
better than getting out of North Kurdistan they so hate, and with good reason, since Kurdistan is
not their territory, and now that the League of Nations is dead, and gone;
the existing supposedly responsible international authority to keep peace, and freedom known as UN should be up
to that task or we'll continue having war after war after war until Kurdistan, and
America are free from these
empowered menaces, and parasites. If we keep them kicked out of
European Union, we can surely Kick them out of NATO. Besides, where in
NATO's constitution states; that an outlaw international bozo "war
criminal" member of theirs may continue getting free rides in the
status Quo, and in the name
of NATO? No where. It doesn't exist. Read it for yourselves. And while
you're at it read one of my recent books called "IRAQ WARS" by typing "Steve Tataii" in most
online bookstore search boxes to learn more. May God bless America, Kurdistan, and all other
sane, and peace Loving regimes representing their nations.
Steve Tataii is a prolific Kurdish author of several
recent books related to Iraq War,
Kurds and Kurdistan in English. He's the President,
and founder of K.U.R.D.S. NGO
since 1991, founded to help refugees passing through
the pacific. He was also a
2006 U.S. Senator candidate, and the seat for U.S.
House in the 2002 contested elections.
Tataii has lived in Hawaii since 1976, and has obtained
his degrees in Political Science,
and Math from UH Manoa. He has written, and lectured
extensively about the Kurds,
their history, and contemporary Kurdish Political
situation since 1920s' unjust partition
of Kurdistan by colonial powers, leading to many wars
for independence, and creating
Open Letter To U.S. President George Walker Bush |
Five Peshmerga forces were just killed getting caught unguarded in Baghdad |
Vokradio.com: I
blame it on arming some Sunnis as the new strategy to fight the
terrorists. Sir, Thank you for the war of Liberation, but we have
accomplished our main mission In removing Saddam’s regime from power,
we must secure the two nations of Kurds, and Arabs, and bring back our
soldiers as soon as that’s done. Please read the entire of this vital
article as a fresh look at what we're not doing, and we must begin
doing right. |
have caused to kill more Sunni, and Shia than Saddam killed innocent
Iraqi Civilians. At a time like this, when Sunnis are at their highest
state of being disenchanted by all this killings since our invasion in
2003; to arm Sunni or Shia to fight terrorists is, and will become our
biggest mistake. |
is no way to tell the Ba’asi Arabs from ordinary Sunni or Shia. This by
itself is a political suicide, and I'm totally against it to continue.
To end the sectarian violence we must encourage peace from where it was
broken to pieces, and not by arming the Sunni-Shia insurgence nor in
the name of al -Qaeda elements! We must secure the Mosques, and respect
people's culture, and privacy in their own backyard. |
unidentified Sunnis, and Shias we are arming will be killing Kurds, and
even other Arab, and minority civilians mostly in Baghdad, and target
our own troops. The Sunnis are obviously angry, fed up, and hopeless
even if half of their non-Ba’asis were not in that state of mind prior
to the bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, sparking attacks, and
their daily killings by Shia, hence in a tit for tat chain Reaction,
leading to the both sects killing each other at an unprecedented rate. |
Who exactly bombed that mosque, and if al-Qaeda did, where is the evidence? |
could be from any country, so in essence the cleaning up operation can
best be done by the natives of Iraq, and as Pat Buchanan on last
Friday’s news program suggested; “The apparent effective way to get rid
of Terrorists in Sunni area is if we pulled back, or as I would put it
step back, and let them fight the terrorist”. This, as Sunnis have
tried to do or have shown interest doing so, but as long as we’re at
their throats in their backyard, the only thing they can do to survive
is to stay out of our way, and worry about their own lives lost,
mistaken as terrorists. If we push the local Arabs too far, they may
join or may have already joined a form of al-Qaeda, hence we have lost
their support, and have probably added to our conflict. |
this by no means call for arming the Sunni nor the Shia, whom by the
way are also at odds with al-Qaeda. We must only arm the Kurds at the
present time, and no one else. |
see sir, we are yet to prove who bombed Samarra Mosque? We are yet to
prove if al-Qaeda’s committed members are really operating in Iraq as
we continue to claim they are, or they are just the Saddamists, and
Ba’asi Sunni-Shia dead enders, but also Arab natives’ own resistance
groups to our long occupation. |
President Bush, most importantly, Let’s reassess our strategies in this
war, and let’s not force the Kurds to get involved in Sunni-Shia wars
the way we have been dictating to their Leaders, who have reluctantly
sent nearly 2 Peshmerga regiments. It is not being culturally
sensitive, when we expect the Kurds to give their lives in Sunni-Shia
wars they wish to have nothing to do with. Let’s not persuade Kurdish
Leaders to send more Peshmerga forces to Baghdad to act as our hired
killers, forced to kill Arabs by no choice, and in self-Defense. This
does not go well with their future Kurdish-Arab neighborly relations in
their Southern borders to Kurdistan. |
should never be such a thing as Kurdish peace keepers in Arab Iraq
other than Kurds keeping Peace, and security in their own Kurdish
region the way they have always done, and not expected to get involved
after what their civilians have gone through since 1920s, and moreover
since 1963 Saddam’s beginning rein. |
This would be unrealistic, unfair, against our moral, and principles of defending Human Rights. |
if Americans have spotted an injustice around the world, we have
immediately rushed to end it, and save the victims, but have not
expected the victims to be re-victimized. If there was any quick
solution to this war it should have started by letting the Kurds in the
North to have their independence at least 3 years ago, so that they
could move on with their reconstruction of the ruins from the past 87
years, in peace, calm, and security, which was the least we could have
done. To expect Kurdish nation remain in other nations in-fights is not
a moral thing to do. Kurds must not be looked at as Arab sects
babysitters, and based on that be exploited, nor should they have to do
this in exchange for favors such as their unreleased reconstruction
money, which they are yet to receive in the full amount of 8 billion
dollars, and not the 1.2 billion piecemeal. |
Kurds were left in their own secured homeland, and remain strong, we
would only have to worry about the South, West, and Baghdad, and our
job of securing those areas would even be easier. We have simply held
the Kurds captive even after their forceful captivity during the
Saddam’s regime. We need to change that Sir. Kurdish independence is in
the palm of our hands. What are we waiting for? |
is no such a thing as Kurdish-Sunni-Shia Unification, and there never
can be any. On the other hand: Given their recent history of conflicts
after 1923’s imposed fusion of Kurds, and Arabs into one state "Iraq"
by colonial powers: “There is not, and there can never be any
Kurdish-Arab-Turkish-Persian unity in Iraq-Iran-Turkey-Syria, after so
many bloody wars, including Halabja chemical bombing, and ANFAL to say
the least. The Four mentioned states usurping Kurdistan if I may remind
you, were all artificially carved up by the major European powers of
colonial era in their busy schedule of slicing up world’s nations, and
this was one of their most outlaw, and callous projects, because it has
led to the killing of a great number of the most ancient people, about
3.5 million Kurdish civilians so far. |
the greater Kurdistan, today’s home to over 50,000,000 Kurds in 4
parts, not one part has had a recognized independent state, while there
have are 22 Arab states, 6 Turkic states, and 3 Persian states. |
we have had wrong strategies in this war, but admitting or denying it
is not going to bring back the lives lost as in any other war, and
Democrats are greatly responsible to take most of the blame in this,
for their lack of cooperation, bickering, and nonsense Partisan
diatribes. To reassess our actions now, and recognize a clear strategy
is the only correct course of action. The world community are aware of
the fact; that the aforesaid countries had, and still have puppet
regimes often brought to power by our own CIA’s covert or overt
executed plans or brought to power by our manipulation of their
politics for their people to do the same on our behalf, hoping to reach
the same results. Our past intentions haven’t always been “People
oriented”, and sensitive, rather it has been, as I would put it,
special interest “Corporate Heads Oriented”. |
has damaged our American principles for Freedom, peace, and Justice
around the world, and I know this is why you have had a hard time to
give us back our true American character, but as you have bravely stood
up against all odds; God almighty will be your guidance Sir. |
imagine, if the many confused Democrats with no sense of understanding
about this war come to power. Except a few of them, the rest shall
overwhelm whatever we have so far achieved for Kurds, and take the same
old rotten path by taking the side of the villains, and bring back the
oppressors, who will in turn bring back the same Saddam like regimes.
We just can’t afford to wait for that to happen Sir. We must support
Kurds in their permanent nation building process. |
Kurdish military units or Peshmerga should not be engaged in the
Sunni-Shia Wars, and they should be in their own Kurdish region to
help, and secure the safety of their Kurdish citizens within the
Kurdish map in the North. |
you, and I nor the Kurds should carryout the wishes of the world’s
corporate heads, and do what they wish us to do in killing all of their
suspected threats to oil fields of Kurdistan nor Basra, and we must not
pretend Globalization is any different than Colonialism with slightly
different definitions, and means. If Globalization is inevitable, which
is not; then at least its process should not be at the cost of millions
of innocent civilian lives to get to the oil in Kurdistan, and the
unholy “Heads” do not have to kill millions of Kurds, and others, but
if they use their Egoistic brains, and poor visions; they can actually
see; that they can purchase Kurdish oil from Kurds themselves, and
Basra oil from their respective Arab nations. |
is only a matter of time; that these rightful owners, Kurds, and Arabs,
will learn; that the actual oil money is not divided among them in an
old fashion way, but rather it is in form of credits registered through
a central international Monetary fund system without the hand exchange
of money, all but a very small amount of actual cash. This is why it is
important; that we do not delay releasing Kurdish reconstruction share
of the 23 billion dollars. The 1.2 billion dollars has just not been
enough. Their actual share is 8 billion dollars. They have bills to
pay, wages to pay, and building supplies to buy, not mentioning many
many other needs left suspended. |
the winter will arrive, and tens of thousands of internal Kurdish
refugees, and those in need of proper homes will need to live in
reasonable housings. Kurdistan need at least two large electric power
plants to provide electricity to millions of Kurds. They need drinking
water plants, and road constructions to name a few. |
Sir I believe in the past we have had a very cold, and senseless
foreign policy toward Kurds for nearly a Century, and here, I’m still
trying to remain within the criteria in speaking about Kurdish people’s
well being, because if we don’t correct our approach soon, we will have
again betrayed the Kurds, and left the region with a stateless Kurdish
population open to the surrounding mentioned fascist regimes’ assaults,
when we’re irresponsibly arming the Sunnis instead of first arming the
Kurds, who have become one of or the strongest ally with us in this
war, and have even answered to your secretaries demand for Peshmerga
participation, which as I stated earlier is not a moral request. |
Friday in the media was suggested; that it appears that the bombing of
Samarra Mosque was done by unknown Americans. They did not specify who,
and what group, and under whose orders. If this is true, then this is
really sick, and we must get to the bottom of this investigation, and
find out if there has been one. I personally don’t think so, and if
any, |
it must have come from an external enemy’s camp. |
I Think We Need To Take Four Simple Action Steps Very Quickly, and end this chaotic WAR. They are: |
Declare the South Kurdistan in the North, which has been Self-Ruled
since 1992 an Independent Kurdish state immediately, and cause UN to
allow entering its membership by doing the same at once. We are at
least 3 years late in doing so after the two major Kurdish parties were
unified during the statelessness period brought upon them since 1920s
League of Nations’ aborted treaty of Serves for Kurds, Armenians, and
Azaris, and because we should be thankful of God; that they have been
able to defend themselves with simple defensive weaponry, but suffer
heavy casualties, and surviving all these years. Since 1923 they have
been thrown before the four well supported, and armed military forces,
usurping their land like vultures, while assisting their Colonial
masters for the following 80 years of oil piracy from Kirkuk oil
fields. This is the least we must do quickly, before we loose all of
our credibility among other Nations, and I mean “ALL OTHER NATIONS”. It
would be regrettable if we don’t. |
Let’s announce our departure in a tentative set date, and before that
date encourage peace between Sunni-Shia Arabs, to be a mandatory
requirement if they want us to leave sooner, but with the assurance of
peace, and stability among the two, since Kurds have already been
Self-Ruled since 1992, and we have already overthrown Saddam, and
almost all of his subordinates, leaving the few thugs or Saddamists,
and foreign fighter dead enders be removed by people |
We must help the Kurds to complete the long overdue implementation of
article 140, and allow them to secure all ethnically cleansed targeted
cities, villages, and provinces below 36 parallel, so that they are
back in the hands of their rightful owner Kurdish people, and under the
sovereign Kurdistan’s government authority led by the honorable
President Massoud Barzani, and not any other unknown non-Kurdish
territory’s Rule. This is extremely important, because as Kurds have
not invaded other nations’ territories; they will never let their
people, and motherland remain outside of Kurdistan, and this especially
includes Kirkuk, and all other Kurdish areas within Kurdistan. |
Let’s make it clear to Turkey, and Iran; that we will decisively take
out their military Hardware or arsenals in their bases on the ground if
they ever step a foot into Kurdish territory without visa or permission
as described, and at that time the usurped Kurdish territory invaded by
them will be assisted to permanently become Liberated with each forming
their own governments. Unless; that not only they must respect their
Kurdish neighbor state’s boundaries in South Kurdistan, but they must
begin giving full autonomy to the invaded Kurdish regions usurped by
them, and must begin to treat the Kurds there no different than Persian
or Turkish citizens or groups, helping the Kurds to recover, and repair
the war destructions left behind by their regimes, and also stabilize
the level of developments, and modernization kept behind, and bring it
to the same standards as the other parts if not better, otherwise the
Plan of Independence for those Kurdistan parts will remain open on the
table indefinitely. |
you Mr. President, and good luck to you in ending this war, wishing
that you remain as our brave champion among all other U.S. Presidents,
and Happy Birthday to you Sir. |
Tataii is a prolific Kurdish author of several recent books related to
Iraq War, Kurds and Kurdistan in English. He's the President, and
founder of K.U.R.D.S. NGO since 1991, founded to help refugees passing
through the pacific. He was also a 2006 U.S. Senator candidate, and the
seat for U.S. House in the 2002 contested elections.Tataii has lived in
Hawaii since 1976, and has obtained his degrees in Political Science,
and Math from UH Manoa. He has written, and lectured extensively about
the Kurds, their history, and contemporary Kurdish Political situation
since 1920s' unjust partition of Kurdistan by colonial powers, leading
to many wars for independence, and creating the today's Iraq War
dilemma. www.tataiiforcongress.com |
For Letter Section : newarticle@vokradio.com |
Do You Have to Be a Kurd to Report Kurdish
A letter to Emily Lenzner at npr (National Public Radio) dated: May 20,
By: Steve Tataii I'm
shocked, and quite disturbed by how we continue to hop over some of the
most horrific attacks on Kurdish civilians, which has again restarted
in the past two weeks, and while our Politicians continue to hold up
the Recognition of an Independent State for the Kurds of South
Kurdistan at least since 2004, when finally the two major Kurdish
parties united. |
I have kept telling some of our lawmakers to please
hurry up, and let the Kurds have their officially recognized state, but
no one listens except a few with there voices silenced after they
present their piece before the Senate Foreign Relation committee or
elsewhere. |
The May 19, 2007 Kurdish civilian Genocide in village of
Qara Lous has not only been ignored by NPR so far (May 20, 2007); but
also by all the mainstream media clear across the board so far. I keep
up with the Kurdish Current Events, because I am a Kurd by origin. |
you have to be a Kurd to report their tragedies? Kurds have the right
to their state like everybody else does I mind you all. It will remain
to be a modern day's disturbing man's trend to only focus on what has
some kind of financial gain to most of these media entities, and I'm |
at all including NPR in them, or at least not yet, and pray to God that
It won't get to that. This is not only a sad case of hijacking our
freedom of speech by that group, and a sickening living standard to
follow, but it is pathetic. |
I'm reporting the news of this gruesome
attack on Kurdish civilians, and I'm sure it happened, because not only
it was reported by some not-for-profit news websites, but it is on KTV
news segments if you care to verify it for yourself. So in addition to
AFP; please go to www.kurdistantv.net and click on their live TV
linkage in either languages' page. The news is reported nearly every 2
hours in Kurdish except once in Arabic. I last saw this news at 2:30
p.m. Eastern Time. On a personal note; I'm the author of 3 recent
Current Event Books on Kurds, Kurdistan, and Iraq war. Another
unreported story. I like to encourage you to look at these books'
titles, their cover photos, and some backgrounds in my own website, and
some other major outlets such as bn.com, amazon.com, and others by
simply typing "Steve Tataii" in their search engines. I have tried to
be on NPR related shows regarding my books since they came out last
year on March, and April 2006, but no one has replied, so I a kind of
gave up. |
Time has never been on our sides Emily, when it comes to
put an end to these tragedies, and it would be an endless suffering of
this, the largest nation of around 50 million Kurds still without a
recognized country of their own, when We have even reached to that
point, now in the palm of our hands; to declare their independence for
one out of the 4 unjustly partitioned Kurdistan in South
Kurdistan (North of the defunct Iraq). Kurds did not cause this lack of
ability to fight for their national homeland territorial integrity, but
it was caused by a frenzy of several nations with military powers, and
regretfully calling themselves democratic-civilized nations, non other
than the 1920s colonial powers of Europe or Britain-France empowering
all the present invading states of Turkey, Iran, Iraq (until 2003), and
Syria, to use them as puppets for their colonial exploitations, sucking
up Kurdish national oil revenues at least since 1923, while Kurds
themselves, robbed of their own natural resources' benefits as
mentioned, did not receive any of their own oil revenues. |
Not until they were given the chance to receive 13% of the revenues in 1996, and even
most of that was stolen by the many gangs, including UN, who have
mastered themselves to erase all the evidence from their thievery.
What mainstream media is doing against the Kurds is totally reckless,
and irresponsible. For example the Yezidi Kurds in the North of South
Kurdistan make up less than 0.002% of the entire Kurdish population,
which amounts to about 1500 or less. Instead of reporting the horrible
massacre of the Kurdish civilians on May 19th; CNN's "Melissa" at about
11; 10 am |
(May 19, 2007) reported and televised a cell phone camera version Of
this late reported incident, hence added to public's diversion of
attention to the Kurdish people's key, and urgent vital needs Imagine;
the harder they have fought for their Liberation in 87 years gone by; |
they are being abused, and depicted negatively with just one incident
representing less than 0.002% of the 50 million Kurdish nations. |
really adds to further stereotyping of the Kurds; when isolated
felonies similar to this happens around the world, and while the
criminals have been arrested, and will be dealt with in their court of
Justice. What I'm tryig to say is; that isolated "remote minority
social" cases should not be compromised with REAL,
and ongoing human sufferings caused by external powers, and obiously as
the result of preventing a whole nation of Kurds from developing their
living conditions; when they have been robbed of their own natural
resources' revenues for over 80 years, and the greedy players in
depriving them of their statehood are still the cause of this abhorrent
condition. |
Yes Kurds like any other people have isolated incidents
too, but who are we to judge them, while they have taken care of their
people in the past 12,000 years! |
we, in other countries perfect? No, but we all thrive to perfection. By
the way, the number of massacred reached 20 today, after 4 more died of
their wounds; specifically the Kurdish mother trying to prevent the
shooting ofher young son with herself shot in the process. Were they al-Qaeda for sure?Certainly no one has proven anything other than they spoke Arabic, and wereimpersonating as military men with Uniforms on. The latest news indicated; thatthe perpetrators are known, and they will be brought to Justice for this abhorrentcrime against humanity as soon as they're caught from their hidings nearby. |
Steve Tataii is a prolific Kurdish author of several recent books related to Iraq War, Kurds and Kurdistan in English. He's the President, and founder of K.U.R.D.S. NGO
since 1991, founded to help refugees passing through the pacific. He
was also a 2006 U.S. Senator candidate, and the seat for U.S. House in
the 2002 contested elections. Tataii has lived in Hawaii since 1976,
and has obtained his degrees in Political Science,and Math from UH
Manoa. He has written, and lectured extensively about the Kurds, their
history, and contemporary Kurdish Political situation since 1920s'
unjust partitionof Kurdistan by colonial powers, leading to many wars
for independence, and creating the today's Iraq War dilemma. |
For Letter Section : newarticle@vokradio.com |
Fundraising event in Southern California |
Please help bring KurdishMedia.com back! |
By: Dr. Rebwar Fatah, Phd |
For years, KurdishMedia.com has been the leading Kurdish news source
for Kurds and others following the situation of the Kurdish nation. It
has maintained its independence and consistently provided its readers
with breaking news reports, political analysis, cultural insight, and
information on Kurdish events worldwide. The KurdishMedia.com team, a
group of volunteers, has dedicated countless hours to maintain the site
without ever receiving any monetary compensation. Some journalists have
gone to great lengths and taking great risks to get stories that have
captivated our readers. As you know, unfortunately KurdishMedia.com has
been down for weeks and “friends of KurdishMedia.com” have rightfully
expressed their concern about this. Here are some examples of their
recent comments I have received. |
• “KurdishMedia.com is one of the most reliable serious Kurdish voices.” |
• “(Blocking KurdishMedia.com) is similar to trying to silence
Martin Luther King from bringing Civil Rights Movement to America, but
at the end they all failed.” |
• “KurdishMedia.com has become
the icon of free speech for English-speaking writers and reporters
interested in promoting Kurdish cause by peaceful means.” |
“In its many years of public service, and through its pioneering
web-based free forum, KurdishMedia.com was able to earn the respect and
admiration of the English-speaking Kurdish community around the world
and in the homeland.” |
• "Many of us have published articles
in defense of the Kurdish voices and democratic rights on this very
prominent site." |
• “This is a challenge to all of us and we
must stand united at least once to let the world now that we are one
nation and we deserve a recognition and respect. We must demand this
respect not asking for, and this demand comes only if we are united." |
• “It provided a medium for ‘free speech’ for a nation that has been continually robbed of that luxury in its homeland.” |
• “Targeting this democratic outlet is the symbol of their weakness
and true influence of this web site in reflecting the demand of the
Kurdish people for the right of self-determination.” |
• “KurdishMedia.com has been very successful in enlightening our people and standing up for their rights.” |
• “As a busy student in my last step of my Masters, but I can say I
am ready to do my all the best shoulder to shoulder with you.” |
• “To be proud of being victims is something we should avoid. Stand up and start again, we will help you.” |
you are well aware, KurdishMedia.com was attacked. To combat similar
attacks KurdishMedia.com needs an updated, less vulnerable
technological platform, which obviously costs. To get KurdishMedia.com
back, we will need to raise funding of approximately $20,000.00. Many
of friends of KurdishMedia.com have stepped in and plan to help bring
KurdishMedia.com back by organizing fundraising events in various parts
of the world. The next of such events will be in Southern California
that I have been invited to attend. We are reluctantly asking friends
like you for financial support. Any contribution is appreciated as
recognition of the work that KurdishMedia.com has done and will
continue to do following its return. |
For the fundraising event in Southern California, you may participate
in person on June 3rd, 2007, 4pm at: University Community Park,
Multi-use building, 1 Beech Tree Lane, Irvine, CA 92612. |
2. You
may also send your checks or money order prior to May 28th, 2007 to
Kurdish American organizations that you are familiar with such as
Art-in-Mind, KAES, KNC, etc., with a memo for KurdishMedia.com to: P.O.
Box 50822, Irvine, CA 92619. Please contact those organizations about
tax deductibility rules. |
3. To send a check or money directly to London, the address is: KurdishMedia.com, 71 High Road Ickenham, Middx UB10 8LQ, UK |
For wire transfer to London, the Bank account detail of
KurdishMedia.com is: NatWest Bank, Account name: International Kurdish
Media (IKM), Account Number: 52651347, Sort code: 60-21-03 |
And the entire KurdishMedia.com team and friends of KurdishMedia.com |
by Goran Sadjadi; May 05, 2007 |
While the city of Kirkuk has been spared much of the violence engulfing regions further south in Iraq,
the threats coming from different groups regarding the city have only
been increasing and explicit demands remain uncompromising. Major tension between Iraqi Kurds and neighboring Turkey has been the most worrisome as both sides threaten armed conflict if their demands are not met. Both foreign influence and intervention in Iraq has been of the greatest concerns for U.S. officials and the conflict regarding Kirkuk could be all the same. The
ongoing debate regarding the status of the oil-rich city has consisted
of harsh words on all sides, and analysts expect that this year could
be either a turning point in Iraq for better or for worse. Saddam for years attempted to "Arabize" Kirkuk by driving out native Kurds and Turkmen replacing them with Arabs, many of them Shiites relocated from the south. Today,
Iraqi Kurdish leaders are demanding the implementation of Article 140
of the Iraqi Constitution, a crucial article related to the
normalization of the demographics of Kirkuk and which orders an
official referendum regarding the status of the city in a future
federal Iraq. Most recently to implement this article, the Iraqi government in Baghdad
has endorsed a plan to relocate thousands of Arabs to their original
towns, giving monetary compensation to those who move voluntarily. However, news of the plan sparked outrage among both Iraqi Arab leaders as well as Turkish politicians. Iraqi Kurds for several years have demanded the reversal of Saddam’s injustices and have claimed that Kirkuk is the heart of Iraqi Kurdistan. Kurdish leaders have ambitions to annex the oil-rich city of Kirkuk to their federal region and proclaim it as their capital. However, the problem lies in the fact that the city sits on nearly 40 percent of Iraq’s oil. Turkey fears that such moves would allow Kurds to gain the economic power they need to move towards full independence. Turkish officials fear that such a circumstance would incite separatism among Turkey’s own Kurdish population, and have called for a delay in the referendum. Turkish officials have also claimed their concerns are for the Iraqi Turkmen communities in Kirkuk. The
Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF), a coalition of several Turkmen groups,
reportedly receives funding from the Turkish government in Ankara. While ITF objectives are aligned with Turkey’s policy in Iraq, the same may not hold true for the majority of Iraqi Turkmen. The
Iraqi elections in 2005 were a failure for the ITF, which did not
gather more than 1 percent of the total votes as many Turkmen instead
cast their votes for the Iraqi-Shiite coalition. Divisions
within the Turkmen communities are also indicated by the existence of
other Turkmen groups that disagree with ITF policy. Groups such as the Turkmen Democratic Movement highly oppose Turkey intervening in Iraq’s political processes, further undermining Turkey’s claims in protecting Iraqi Turkmen interests. The
leader, Kalkhi Noureddin, says the group was formed after realizing
“foreign interference does not serve the interests of Turkmens in
[Iraqi] Kurdistan”. Noureddin currently works with the Kurdish administration and believes that dialogue between Iraqi Kurds and Turkey is necessary in order to avoid armed conflict. Until now, violence in Kirkuk has been blamed primarily on Sunni and Shiite insurgents. Several Shiite armed groups such as the Mehdi Army, loyal to Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, began moving into the Kirkuk province mid-last year. U.S. officials declared such Shiite armed groups, reportedly backed by Iran, as the deadliest threats to the security in the region. Local residents say their presence is marked by bomb explosions and murders. However much the threat of these armed groups as well as Iran’s alleged influence in the region, Iraqi officials recently claimed to have found links between the ongoing violence in Kirkuk and other foreign forces. Recently, an Iraqi Kurdish official in Kirkuk, Nejat Hassan, asserted that Iraqi Security Forces obtained enough evidence to prove that Turkey’s Intelligence Agency has been carefully conducting much of the terrorist activity in Kirkuk, targeting both Iraqi government officials as well as civilians. Despite the United States’ own difficulty with their Turkish NATO ally following the detainment of 11 of Turkey’s Special Forces who were allegedly plotting to assassinate Kirkuk’s governor in 2003, U.S. officials have not responded to the latest allegations by Iraqi officials. Many
Kurds feel uncomfortable with the Americans’ silent stance on this
issue and believe their reasons are in order to avoid embarrassment
with their Turkish ally. Still, the conflict in Iraq regarding Kirkuk and Turkey’s intervention may soon become unavoidable. Turkey has made several public threats against the Iraqi Kurdish administration saying that they oppose any Kurdish-control of Kirkuk. While the Iraqi constitution outlines a referendum on Kirkuk's future by the end of this year, Turkey
has threatened an invasion if the district, which analysts predict the
Kurds will win by a majority vote, falls under the Kurds’ control. Kurdish officials have complained against such threats and say their previous requests for dialogue with Turkey had all been turned down. Some also suspect that there are ulterior motives in regards to Kirkuk. Many Turkish politicians have openly stated that the oil-rich districts of Kirkuk and Mosul are historically Ottoman. For this reason, some Kurdish officials say, Turkey wishes to re-annex the area and its lucrative oil to its territory. While the violence in Kirkuk
remains minimal when compared to other cities in the south, threats
continue and the possibility of a large-scale conflict increases. Tensions in Kirkuk could explode and even spread further north to Iraqi Kurdistan, the country’s only stable region. Kurdish
officials have responded to Turkish politicians with their own threats
maintaining that any invasion by the Turkish military will lead to
large-scale clashes with their own armed forces. However the politics may turn out remains unclear. Nevertheless, while U.S. officials condemn foreign interference resulting in many of the problems throughout Iraq, Kurdish officials believe the same applies to Kirkuk as an internal Iraqi affair in which Turkey should not interfere. Otherwise, one high-ranking Kurdish official said, Kurds are willing to bare the consequences of a new conflict. |
COMMENT: For Letter Section :newarticle@vokradio.com Goran Sadjadi is a freelance writer living in the United States. He visited Turkey and Iraq in August 2005 and is actively engaged in political analysis of the Kurdistan region and the Middle East.

Human Rights and Civil Society Groups and Activists have been striving
for years to put and end to abuses and violence against women, inhuman
and outrageous killings in the name of honor continue to be a serious
social problem and perpetrators of such crimes escape from justice. In
early April 2007, Du’a Khalil Aswad a Yezidi girl of about 17 of age
was stoned to death accused of so-called honour crime in Bashika. As
appeared in video footages apparently captured by mobile phones, Du’a
was stoned to death by a group of about eight men and in the presence of a large crowd around the crime scene. Asuda
condemns in the strongest terms the killing of Du’a Khalil Aswad and
calls on the authorities to act urgently to bring to justice the
perpetrators of the crime and fulfill its responsibilities in
protecting women who continue to be killed under the name of honor and
other pretexts. Asuda
also calls upon Human Rights organizations and Civil Society Groups and
activists to coordinate and act immediately to request the relevant
authorities to investigate in allegations that suggested law
enforcement officials were present but at the crime scene but did not
act to stop the killing. Asuda appeals to the authorities to take urgent action to make sure legislative reforms protect women at risk from continuing to be victims “honour crimes.†Asuda for Combating Violence against Women Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan,Iraq Office : 0044 704 3150332 Fax. : 0044 871 661 3502 Mobile.: 00964 770152 1761 email : manager@asuda.org Website: http://www.asuda.org
Mr. Erdogan Bring Down Your
Ottoman Empire’s Ego Act Democratic And Free North Kurdistan |
87 years have passed
since the plot against the Kurds by the Colonial allies, namely at the
Time, Great Britain-France selfish ventures into the region, when for
unknown reasons, but greedy motives allowed the remainder of Ottoman
Empire live on through Ankara, attaching another expectedly Liberated
state of Kurdistan to the artificially created “Turkey”, in the same
fashion they created “Iraq”, “Syria”, and the empowered “Iran” to keep
Eastern Kurdistan as well.
My point to make in
this article of “War, and Peace“; is that it is to your nation’s best
interest to Recognize the stupidity of Great Britain, and France of the
1920s led by a supposedly civilized government of Winston Churchill,
and France, which ensued The next 87 years of wars in the region of
which we now are deeply involved in for the “Artificial Iraq”
Liberation, and Kurdish Genocides with destruction of tens of thousands
of their Villages starting in North Kurdistan, and continuing in
“Iraq”, which Resulted in over 3.5 million Kurdish civilians perished
up to the time of U.S. Strike in o3.
As you are a cosigner to
the Geneva Convention to ban the use of Chemical Weapons among Warring
Nations, and forceful usurping of land belonging to other distinct
Nations through ganging up or Frenzy attacks by 4 usurper new states in
violations of human rights treaties, and the very reasons U.S.
Government had to act decisively, and went to war against Saddam in
1991 for invading Kuwait, and again in 2003 against Saddam’s proven
potential to use Chemical Weapons against Kurds, and our U.S. forces;
then let me remind you; that Winston Churchill too did use Chemical
Weapons against Kurds as well as Arabs of South. The
differences in time to pass these treaties can not, and will not
legitimize the continued use of Chemical Weapons, nor does it
Legitimize invading or maintaining your occupation of N. Kurdistan
against the will of international communities, and laws of nations. When
crimes against Humanity have occurred there is no statute of limitation
to file suit against that crime, and hundreds of thousands of Kurds,
which is a conservative figure other than the total killed “around 3.5
million Kurds” from 1915-03 in the hands of Turkish, And Iraqi regimes,
which unfortunately includes your present regime in Ankara currently
involved in sporadic military operation as news indicates; these crimes
can not, and will not be forgotten nor will the perpetrators acquitted
from murdering the innocent Kurds. |
I assure you I’m right in
my legal findings. No murderer, especially when many of them are still
alive even from the 1915-1923 era still available to be brought to the
courts of justice in the Hague, and other International Courts. |
may continue with your threats against Kurds, and their territorial
integrity both within your occupied North Kurdistan, and also in a
totally different Jurisdiction in South Kurdistan, but rest assure;
that if this trend of your war of words tactic, and the present illegal
incursions into South Kurdistan, looking for PKK members continue there
shall only be one very sorry looking looser at the consequences of such
ongoing aggression, and the looser will be the people of the last part
of Ottoman Empire North of the North Kurdistan. Your land will
be taken away from you as is the case in any prosecution for such
crimes in democratic Jurisprudent, when Lands are confiscated for major
illegal activities, which can describe Ankara’s actions “In The Least”,
and your unlimited appetite for fame, and Expansionism shall come to a
screeching halt. |
I like to remind you in not falling victim in
the traps made by some of our own very old politicians, who
contributed, and continued the hegemonies of Churchill, and France. Their
pockets may be full today, and they may be on a regular payroll by your
establishment to keep your profiteering system created in 1923 at the
expense of Kurdish nation of over 50,000,000 Kurds, but rest assure
Sir; that they will all be identified no matter how tightly you help
them to secure their bank accounts, and their names, which we already
know many of these parasites’ names in fact serving as high levels
capacities even after their retirement, often spent in writing books in
favor of such an ongoing Tyranny. |
Mr. Erdogan Bring Down Your
Ottoman Empire’s Ego Act Democratic And Free North Kurdistan. The world
has much to benefit with Freedom, and Justice, but much to loose
engaging in loosing battles. The winners of the wars you are trying to
whip up will not be Turkish people. |
It may not be Kurdish
people, since Kurds want no war with you nor seek new territories other
than that of their own. So as you see; there has been a wrong committed
against Kurds recently in the 1920s; and in the consequence of that
great injustice not one, not one hundred, but 50,000,000 Kurds are now
suffering. This pain, and wars will not go away, Unless wise Leaders
like yourself make decisive, and wise decisions, and let go of Kurdish Territories without any questions askeLet
go of Kurdish Territories the two colonial powers of Great Britain, and
France Handed over to become a part of your Jurisdiction so that they
use your services As their tool to exploit, and steal Kurdish oil in
Kirkuk Kurdistan, and make you feel big, because it was not Turks
though your Turkish masses, who have been persuaded in a wrong
direction will probably follow you, and other Turkey’s Leaders in
charge, because you are their Government, but this following trend may
at one point turn against you, and Turkish people, as they know the
truth, may no longer participate in your anti-Kurdish operations, and
may seek a totally different regime in Turkey.This will not
likely be in your favor, and that of other Turkish members of
Government keeping in mind; that governments work only as servants to
their people, and not to please themselves or their personal interests.
Dear Mr. Erdogan, please avoid beating on the drums of war, and do not
play with Kurdish people’s proud culture, and their sentiments.This
will likely lead to a world war, which has no winning sides, keeping in
mind; that Kurds now have powerful friends, and they will not stand by
idle to watch you use the military aircrafts, and weapons we in U.S.,
and European countries have been either selling or giving it away to
your nation. Mr. Erdogan please help peace to happen, and do not cause
the suffering of Turkish and Kurdish peoples alike. The two live as
neighbors, and this must be Respected by your words of peace, and not
threats against the Kurdish main City “Kirkuk“, which will never give
up its original Kurdish identity, and ownership. The best
suggestion I can give you is to read my 3 books just published, so that
there will not be too many misunderstandings. In our political lives we
must sometime slow down, and read the facts to prevent chaos, and
unnecessary wars. My books may be obtained by typing “Steve Tataii” at
amazon.com or some other websites (Kirkuk Kurdistan: Kirkuk Kurdistan
Has Been the Heart of South Kurdistan from Time Immemorial by Steve
Tataii 2006). In fact the way I see it; the one, who should have
promoted an Independent Kurdistan in all 4 parts should have started
with you if you claim to be one of Democratic nations’ Leaders, and
want to join others in EU as a member.In my opinion PKK should
be given General Amnesty, and not provoked for more wars. Their label
as terrorist is in question, since they are the only entity, who have
tried to reason with your Regimes occupying North Kurdistan Through
peaceful means, and not wars, but they were faced with the same old
Ottoman style Iron Fist instead of peaceful negotiations. The
Kurds are one of most peaceful people, and the only times to change
that has been, when their homes, their territories, and their people
have come under attack. No doubt if you do the right thing as I have
suggested in this article; all PKK members as Mr. Ochalan has
recommended will be in peace with Turkey‘s regime. You just can’t
kidnap the Leader of a whole nation, and expect to make peace with
them. To free Mr. Ochalan is a small step toward a peaceful directio |
have to consider the fact; that, while you have convinced our U.S.
allies Label PKK a terrorist organization; those allies are appalled by
Turkey’s own undemocratic treatment of 30,000,000 Kurds it has denied
their very existence. So far your regime is pretending to have done
some progress in bestowing a tiny amount of rights to Kurds, which has
by the way not been delivered in any meaningful way to call it
“Rights”. Instead your regime has just claimed 56 Kurdish Mayors to
have been sentenced to 15 years in prison, and this Diatribe behavior
continues on. Rest assure first of all; that if no Freedom seeking
Group like PKK wasn’t in existence; there would have surely been
another organization only with a different name, and what then? Would
you have called Them “terrorists” as well? You see, if you
could even convince your peers on this most crucial, and vital question
of Kurds having no defense, and must have no rights; you will never
convince our allies in Europe, and elsewhere of this failed point you
have so selfishly been hanging on to. The whole world is
watching your actions. Your recent words of threats against South
Kurdistan, and engaged with her respected Leadership in what your words
continue to defy the Law of Nations. Perhaps if you are not so
arrogant, and as I have eluded in the beginning; without Ottoman
empire’s kind of Ego; then why not accept the facts around you, and end
this madness for once, and for all, because if you’re hoping to rob S.
Kurdistan of their national wealth in Kirkuk, and anticipate to make
money by bribing Syria, and other nations benefiting from Kurdish owned
“Euphrates, and Tigris Rivers“, waiting for the right moment to
regulate their water flow; you’re only wasting your time.The
oil in Kirkuk Kurdistan has always been there from time immemorial, and
it belongs to S. Kurdistan Kurds only. The Water from the mentioned
Rivers too have always been there, and its water rights belong only to
N. Kurdistan Kurds. Must I say more Sir? |
For Letter Section : newarticle@vokradio.com |

آمریکا مانع عمدهی رشد دمکراسی در جهان است
مصاحبهی اختصاصی " رنسانس " با دکتر امیر حسن پور
در مصاحبهها و نوشتههایتان بر خلاف افکار عمومی کردستان، با حمله آمریکا
به عراق مخالفت بسیار کردهاید. اگر ممکن است دلایل این موضعگیری را ذکر
دکتر امیر حسن پور
: مخالفت من با حملهی آمریکا به عراق به این دلیل بود که معتقد بودم
هدف حکومت بوش برداشتن صدام و جایگزین کردن رژیم بعث با یک دیکتاتوری از
نوع مصر و اردن است . من معتقد بودم و هستم ، بر خلاف نظر بعضی از
روشنفکران کرد ، که دولت آمریکا ، چه تحت کنترل جمهوریخواهان باشد چه
دمکراتها ، مانع عمدهی رشد دمکراسی در جهان است . پروژهی خاورمیانهی
بوش ، پروژهای عمیقا ضد دمکراسی و ضد انقلابی است و هدف آن کنترل منطقه
از نظر سیاسی و اقتصادی و نظامی ، تحمیل رژیمهای دیکتاتور و مستبد وابسته
به آمریکا ، و سرکوبی نهضتهای آزادیخواهی و جنبشهای اجتماعی است و همهی
اینها در خدمت پروژهی استقرار آمریکا به عنوان تنها ابر قدرت دنیای
سرمایهداری ، آن هم در دنیایی ذچار آشوب و شورش و بحران مداوم است ،
دنیایی که نه آرام می گیرد نه به سادگی رام خواهد شد.
آمریکا در پروژهی " تغییر رژیمی " که در افغانستان و عراق پیاده کرد با شکست مواجه شده است . در صورتیکه در اجرای این
برنامه موفق میشد و حکومت مورد نظر خود را تحت ریاست راهزنانی چون احمد
چلبی مستقر بکند ، هر نوع مخالفت با آن را تروریستی اعلام میکرد . در مورد
حکومت کردستان سیاست بوش از آغاز این بود که کردستان را در عراق ادغام کند . شاید یادتان باشد که در جریان تدارک برای حمله به عراق در نشستی که فرستادهی آمریکا ( زالمای خلیلزاد ) با اپوزیسیون عراقی ( در کردستان عراق ) برگزار کرد ، اعلام کرد که حکومت آیندهی عراق فدرالی نخواهد بود و این باعث اعتراض شدید کنعان مکیه شد.
وجود این که آمریکا بر سر این مساله عقب نشینی کرد و اعلام کرد که بحث
فدرالیسم مطرح خواهد بود ، من معتقد بودم اگر امریکا موفق بشود دولت مورد
نظر خود را در بغداد مستقر بکند ، " حکومت
منطقهای کردستان " را بر می چیند و به جای آن خودمختاری اداری بسیار
محدودی را جایگزین می کند به طوریکه نگرانیهای ترکیه مرتفع بشود و
کردستان عراق نتواند به مثابهی پایگاه فعالیت پکک و سایر احزاب و
جنبشهای کرد و غیر کرد عمل کند .
امروز بعد از کشتار در حدود 600 هزار عراقی ، آواره شدن تقریبا سه میلیون نفر ، کشتهشدن 2648 سرباز آمریکایی ( آمار 17
نوامبر 2006) ، که بیشتر از کشتار 11 سپتامبر است ، دولت عراقی در کار
نیست . نظام دولتی که در قانون اساسی عراق طراحی شده یک نظام تئوکراتیک
و مردسالارانه است و حکومتی که بر اساس آن ساخته شده فقط در " منطقهی
سبز " و آن هم با اتکا بر نیروهای امریکایی میتواند براز وجود کند.
کردستان عراق امروز موفق شده است که موفقیت شبه مستقل خود را حفظ کند و
تا حدی تثبیت کند نه به خاطر دمکراسیخواهی دار و دستهی بوش بلکه بخاطر
شکست پروژهی دولت سازی آن در عراق است. حتی اگر ثبات سیاسی و نظامی در
عراق بوجود بیاید ( به اصطلاح مساله امنیتی حل بشود) و همین دولتی که
در حباب " منطقهی سبز " مستقر است بتواند کنترلش
را بر سراسر عراق گسترش دهد ، و دارای ارتش کارآ بشود ، حکومت کردستان را
به شدت تحت فشار خواهد گذاشت ، ارتش عراق را به بهانهی حفظ امنیت
مرزهای کشور عازم کردستان خواهد کرد ، پایگاههای نیروهای کرد مستقر
در کردستان عراق را بر خواهد چید ، مسالهی کرکوک و سایر مسائل مربوط به
موفقیت فدرالی کردستان را با توسل به خشونت و توطئهچینی " حل " خواهدکرد
و امریکا هم ، اگر این حکومت را کنترل بکند ، از جنین اقداماتی پشتیبانی
به نظر شما دلایل این همه ویرانی و کشتار در عراق با دخالتهای دولتهای
منطقه و همسایگان عراق، با هدف پیشگیری از دخالتهای آتی آمریکا در ارتباط
دکتر امیر حسن پور
: واضح است که تمام کشورهای همسایه و منطقه نگران حملهی آمریکا و
عواقب آن بودهاند و هر کدام تلاش کردهاند که به طور مستقیم و غیر
مستقیم در جهت دادن به سیر وقایع دخالت کنند . برای مثال ایران از هر ترف
تحت محاصرهی ارتش آمریکاست که در کشورهای همسایه و خلیج فارس و غرب
آسیا و آسیای میانه و قفقاز مستقر است و دارودستهی بوش ایران را جزو "
محور شرارت " اعلام کردهاست و " تغییر رژیم " در ایران را جزو اهداف
سیاست خارجی آمریکا اعلام کرده است . با توجه به روابط عمیق و وسیع بین
شیعیان عراق و ایران چگومه میتوان انتظار داشت که ایران در تحولات حراق
دخالت نکند؟ سوریه هم مانند ایران ، آماج حملهی آمریکا و اسرائیل بوده
و هم اکنون قریب نیم میلیون آوارهی عراقی به این کشور پناه بردهاند.
ترکیه هم با وجود اینکه در جبههی آمریکا و اسرائیل قرار دارد ، نگران
است که استقلال کردهای عراق یا حتی نظام فدرالی در عراق "
تمامیت ارضی " ترکیه " تجزیه ناپذیری ملت ترک " را به مخاطره بیندازد.
از این رو تعجب آور نیست وقتیکه آمریکا و انگلیس و مغولستان و استرالیا و
ژاپن و هلند و دههها کسور دیگر نیرو به عراق میفرستند ، کشورهای همسایه
هم در بلبشوی عراق دخالت بکنند.
به نظر شما حملهی آمریکا به عراق تنها به عراق محدود میماند یا اینکه
این حمله شروعی است برای تداوم برنامههای آمریکا در خاورمیانه؟
دکتر امیر حسن پور
: بوش اعلام کرده بود ، آنهم با قاطعیت تمام و با عزم جزم ، که " محور
شرارت " را بر میچیند و رژیمهای عراق و ایران را تغییر می دهد و
همین برنامه را در مورد سوریه تعقیب میکرد . حالا بوش به ایران و
سوریه متوسل میشود که کشتی به گل نسستهاش را " آبرومندانه " نجات
خبرها و تحلیلها در مراکز اطلاعرسانی کردستان عراق بیانگر این امر است
که حملهی آمریکا به عراق شرایط بهتری برای خلق کرد در این بخش از کردستان
فراهم آورده است و این حمله را به عنوان رهایی خلقهای عراق قلمداد
میکنند؛ نظر شما در این باره چیست؟
دکتر امیر حسن پور : سه سال و نیم بعداز سقوط صدام اگر کسی هنوز معتقد باشد که عراقیها – کرد و غیرکرد - قدمی
به سوی رهایی برداشتهاند برای من جای تعجب و نگرانی است. نتیجهی حملهی
آمریکا و اشغال عراق برای مردم عرب و مسیحیان این کشور و سایر اقلیتها
روشن است. پاکسازی قومی و مذهبی و دینی ، به شیوهای که در تاریخ معاصر
سابقه نداشته است ، در جریان است. نه تنها مسیحیان در خطر نابودی
هستند، مسلمانها هم از نظر سیاسی تجزیه شدهاند و حکومتهای تئوکراتیک
محلی سربرآورده و کشتار متقابل شیعه و سنی هر روز و هر ساعت در جریان است. حتی شهرها و خیابان ها وکوچهها
نیز بر اساس تعلقات قومی و دینی تجزیه شدهاند. در حدود سه میلیون
آواره و بیش از نیم میلیون کشته و تعداد بێشماری زخمی و ناقصالعضو بخشی
از این کارنامه ی جنگی آمریکاست. قتل و کشتار و آدمربایی هم توسط
نیروهای دولتی و هم گروههای غیر دولتی صورت میگیرد. شکنجهی زندانیان به
مراتب وحشیانهتر از زمان صدام است. زنان عراق در شرایط وحشیگری لجام
گسیختهی نظام مردسالاری به سر میبرند. کشتار روشنفکران و متخصصینو
استادان دانشگاه جزو برنامهی گروههای تروریستی است ....
متن این وقایع ، بحث پیشرفتهای کردستان و شکوفایی سیاسی و اقتصادی آن در
رسانههای کردستان و غرب مطرح میشود. برای مثال گفته میشود که در
کردستان اقدامات عمرانی از قبیل ساختن جاده و خانه و فرودگاه و
فروشگاههای بزرگ و سالنهای سخنرانی و دانشگاه و مدرسه در جریان است.
هیئتهای سیاسی و دیپلوماتیک و اقتصادی از کشورهای گوناگون ازچین و ژاپن
گرفته تا نروژ و انگلستان و فرانسه از کردستان دیدن می کنند و حکومت
کردستان با آنها قرارداد امضا میکند. امنیت نسبی برقرار است و دو حزب حاکم
تا حدی بر سر توحید حکومت توافق کردهاند . بعضی از ناظران معتقدند که
اینها و بسیاری تحولات مشابه چیزی جز پایهریزی یک حکومت مستقل نیست.
حالیکه کار سازندگی (به ویژه ساختمان و جاده و غیره ) و اجرای
پروژههای اقتصادی را می توان در کردستان مشاهدهکرد ، نگاهی به گزارشهای
روزنامهها و مجلات کردستان عراق چهرهی دیگری از این اوضاع را به نمایش
میگذارد. فقر ، بیکاری و فساد سیاسی و اداری ، انحطاط اقتصاد کشاورزی ،
وضع نابسامان دهات ، گرانی ، قاچاق ، تورم ، کمبود خدمات بهداشتی و آب و
برق ، و بسیاری مشکلات دیگر مردم را به ستوه آوردهاست . اگر صدام حسین
4000 روستای کردستان را ویران کرد، امروز سیاست
اقتصادی حکومت کردستان ، قاچاق و هرج و مرج اقتصاد سرمایهداری و واردات
از ترکیه و آمریکا و ایران و اقصی نقاط جهان هم
اقتصاد روستا و هم اقتخاد شهر را به ویرانی میکشاند . در چنین شرایطی ،
15 ساڵ بعد از کوتاه شدن دست رژیم بعث از کردستان ( در حدی که شده ) ،
تضاد بین مردم و حکومت کردستان حدت یافته است .
اعتراض های پی در پی گواه بر این دارد که اگر ستم ملی با سقوط سلطهی
رژیم بعث ، بر چیده شده ، اکنون ستم مستعمراتی بر خلق کرد اعمال میشود و
در چنین شرایطی ، حکومت خودی و " ملی " همان راهی را در پیش میگیرد که
رژیمهای ستمگر " بیگانه " می پیمودند.
این تحولات را از دید منافع مردم زحمتکش بررسی کنیم ، از دید دهقانان و
کارگران و زحمتکشان و مردم فقیر شهرها ، باید مجموعهی تضادها را در نظر
بگیریم و ببینیم در شرایط تقسیم مجدد قدرت ، جابجایی صاحبان قدرت ، چه گروه و قشر و طبقاتی سود بردهاند؟ آیا
کل نظام ، یعنی نظم سیاسی ، اقتصادی ، اجتماعی ، تغییر کردهاست یا تنها
دستهای جای دستهی دیگر را در راس هرم قدرت به دست گرفته است .
روشن است ، ستم ملی و دید ملی گرایانه ( ناسیونالیستی ) اجازه نمی دهد
سطحی بودن این تحولات ، یعنی گذار قدرت از دست یک گروه به گروه دیگر ،
درست درک شود . در نتیجه شرکت کردها در حکومت ( تقسیم پست های دولتی بر
حسب وزن گروههای قومی و مذهبی ) و نیز اذعان به حقوق زبانی و فرهنگی
کردها به عنوان تغییر روابط قدرت و تغییر نظام ارائه می شود در حالیکه
تداوم نظام اقتصادی و اجتماعی و سیاسی ، تضاد بین کارگر و سرمایهدار ،
دهقان و زمیندار ، زن و مرد و دیگر تضادها در گرد و غبار انتقال سطحی قدرت
نامرئی می شود.
من این نیست که مبارزه علیه ستم ملی نادرست یا بی اهمیت است . انتقاد
من متوجه آن گروه از روشنفکران کرد است که تلاش می کنند تضاد بین دو
نیروی ارتجاعی ، یعنی بوش و صدام ، را به مثابهی تضاد بین آزادی و
استبداد عرضه بکنند ، تضادی که رهایی ملت کرد را از ستم ملی تضمین
میکند. به پیسواز ارتش آمریکا رفتن ، گلباران کردن سربازان آمریکایی ،
رقص و پایکوبی کرد و خوشامد گفتن به آنها به نظر من چیزی نیست جز توهین
کردن به خلق کرد ، به مردم امریکای لاتین ، هندوچین ، فلسطین ، مردم
زحمتکش دنیا ، به ویژه مردم بومی آمریکا ، زحمتکشان آمریکا ،
آزادیخواهان آمریکا و صدها سرباز آمریکایی که معتقدند ارتششان در عراق
جنایت میکند و از سرکت در این جنایت خودداری میکنند. گلباران کردن
جنایتکارترین ارتش تاریخ معاصر را چگونه میتوان توجیه کرد ؟ مسئولیت
روشنفکران بسیار سنگین است . هنگامیکه زندان ابوگرین صدام به زندان
ابوغریب امریکا تبدیل سد و زندانبانان و مقامات دولت آمریکا . از جمله
وزیر دفاع رامسفلد ، روی صدام را سفید کردند ، و در حالیکه سازمانهای
حقوق بشر آمریکا را متهم به ارتکاب جنایات جنگی می کردند ، رسانههای جمعی ، روشنفکران و رهبران کرد تلاش کردند که این جنایات را توجیه کنند.
گروه از روشنفکران کرد حتی اگر توان یا عزم این را نداشتند که مقدرات خلق
کرد را به منافع این قدرت امپریالیستی گره نزنند ، میبایست این قدرت را
داشته باشند که لااقل مانند بسیاری از روشنفکران و رسانههای جمعی
آمریکا ، سکنجهی وحشیانهی زندانیان سیاسی را در ابوغریب و گوانتانامو
محکوم بکنند. اما جهانبینی ناسیونالیستی روشنفکران کرد را به دفاع از شکنجهگران و شکنجه کشاند. نوبتی هم باشد نوبت
ماست؟ یا اکنون که آمریکا و کردها در یک جبهه قرار گرفتهاند ، بزرگترین
دشمن آزادی خلقها به فرشتهی آزادی تبدیل شده است ؟ اگر در گذشته هم
آمریکا به کردها " خیانت " کرده است ، امروز تحت ریاست بوش و دار و
دستهاش آزادی خلق کرد و رهایی همهی انسانها را از سلتهی دیکتاتوری می
طلبد. روشنفکران کرد برای بزک کردن رژیم بوش ، که از تاریک اندیش ترین
جناحهای سرمایهداری امریکاست ، به توجیه " تئوریک " هم متوسل شدند. ادعا
کردند که گسترش سلطهی آمریکا و جهانی شدن سرمایه با دیکتاتوریهای
خاورمیانه در تضاد است و سرمایهداری بدون
دمکراسی نمی تواند رشد بکند. گویا ؛ از دید امریکا و سرمایه جهانی ، وجود
دولتهای بزرگ مانع رشد اقتصاد بازار است و دولتهایی چون ایران و ترکیه و
عراق باید ، طبق خواست دار و دستهی بوش تجزیه بشوند و همهی اینها شرایط
تولد کردستان مستقل را به وجود می آورد.
هنگامیکه بوش و بلیر به جزایر ازورز ( Azores ) پرتقال رفتند تا برنامهی جنگ با عراق را اعلام کنند ( 16 مارس 2003 ) در
نهایت انزوای سیاسی و دیپلوماتیک بودند . این جنگ ، جنگ بین دشمنان آزادی
بود و بزرگترین جنبش ضد جنگ تاریخ از یک ماه پیشش دنیا را فرا گرفته بود
. اثری از سلاح کشتار جمعی نبود اما دارودستهای
که حکومت آمریکا را در کنترل خود داشتند میخواستند به هر قیمتی شده
رژیم عراق را تغییر بدهند. گاه و بیگاه برای توجیه سیاست خود و تظاهر به حق به جانبی اشارهای به کشتار دستهجمعی کردها و سیعهها توسط صدام می کردند. بهاین ترتیب ستمدیدگی خلق کرد و شیعیان عراق بازیچهای شد در دست جنگ افروزان .
در سوال پرسیدید که چرا من " بر خلاف افکار عمومی کردستان ، با حملهی آمریکا به عراق مخالفت بسیار " کردهام . امیدوارم توانستهباشم تا
حدی پاسخ این سوال را بدهم. من خوب می دانم که چرا افکار عمومی کردستان و
روشنفکران کرد از جنگ آمریکا پشتیبانی کردند . ملتی که در دوران سی و پنج
سال حکومت بعث چیزی جز قتل و کشتار و شکنجه و ویرانی و انفال ندید چگونه
میتواند از سقوط صدام و رژیمش – به دست هر کسی که باشد _ استقبال نکند؟
من خودم رژیم ترور و وحشت بعث اول را که بهمدی کوتاهی در قدرت بود به
یاد دارم و هنگامیکه در ژوئیهی 1968 دوباره به قدرت رسیدند وحشت
کردم. من بارها در جلوی سفارتهای عراق در اوتاوا ، لندن و پاریس علیه این
رژیم تظاهرات کردهام و به شیوههای دیگر علیه ان مبارزه کردهام .
سرنگونی این رژیم و محاکمهی سران آن به اتهام ژنوسید ، جنایت علیه
بشریت ، جنایات جنگی ، زبانکشی و دیگر جرائم از آرزوهای من بوده است.
این همه تبهکاری رژیم بعث ، که کردها و شیعیان قربانیان اصلی آن بودند ،
به نظر من در مبارزه علیه آن بوش در ردیف صدام قرار دارد نه علیه او . من بوش و بلیر و امثالهم را متحد و متفق در مبارزه علیه استبداد و مورد مشخص آن – رژیم بعث - به
حساب نمی آورم. دولتهای آمریکا و انگلستان و بعضی دیگر در جریان جنگ عراق
علیه ایران از هیچ کمکی به صدام کوتاهی نکردند و استفاده از سلاح
شیمیایی را علیه کردها و علیه ایران نادیده گرفتند و حتی به آن کمک کردند. دولت
آمریکا حتی با وجود این که از پروژهی انفال با خبر بود ، نه تنها صدای
آن را درنیاورد بلکه سعی کرد هر صدایی را خفه بکند و رئیس جمهور وقت
آمریکا ( ریگان ) یک میلیارد دلار اعتبار به صدام داد . بعد
از توافق ایران و عراق در الجزایر در مارس 1975 ، مطبوعات اروپا از آمریکا
انتقاد میکردند که واشنگتن به کردها پشت کرده و آنها را در مخمصه
گذاشته و به زبان صریح تر ، از پشت به آنها خنجر زدهاست. هنری کیسینجر
، یکی از معماران این برنامه ، در پاسخ به این قبیل انتقادها و نیز در
عکس العمل به گزارش پایک ( pike ) که
کنگرهی آمریکا تهیه کرده بود ، اعلام کرد که این قبیل عملیات (
استفاده از کردها و بعد ول کردن آنها ) را نباید با کار خیریه اشتباه
کرد. آمریکا به خاطر منافع خود از کردها استفاده کرد و وقتی منفعتش
ایجاب میکرد آنها را رهاکرد. نه رهبران کرد و نه روشنفکران مایلند از
این تجارب استنتاج درست بکنند.
خلاصه بکنم ، من در جریان برنامهریزی آمریکا برای جنگ علیه
عراق و در طول جنگ با آن مخالفت کردم و کاملا متوجه بودم که نظر من ، خط
سیاسی من ، در تقابل با افکار عمومی در کردستان است . اما شنا کردن خلاف
جریان ضروری است ، به ویژه در این شرایط که جریان بسیار قوی است ، همه
را با خود می برد و فرصت دوراندیشی به کس نمی دهد . اما مساله فقط
دوراندیشی و آینده نگری نیست.
در طول زندگیم با ستم ملی مبارزه کردم – ابتدا مانند بسیاری از قربانیان
به شیوهای خود به خودی و در چهارچوب سیاست و جهانبینی ناسیونالیستی.
خوشبختانه بعدها توانستم این دیدگاه و این چهارچوب سیاسی را پشت سر
بگذارم . من هنوز علیه ستم ملی مبارزه می کنم ام انه از دید
ناسیونالیستی بلکه در چهارچوب سیاست انترناسیونالیستی . معتقدم که کردها
یک " خلق " یا " ملت " هستند و سزاوار حق تعیین
سرنوشت هستند و از آنجا که مورد ستم بی حد و حصر قرار گرفتهاند مجاز
هستند که این حق را به اجرا بگذارند ، یعنی دولت مستقل خود را تاسیس
بکنند . این حق یک حق دمکراتیک است و کسی که آنرا از خلق کرد یا خلق
فلسطین و دیگر خلقهای تحت ستم انکار بکند ، دمکرات نیست . کسی که معتقد
به انترناسیونالیسم باشد و چنین حقی را بر یک ملت ستمدیده روا ندارد از
انترناسیونالیسم بوئی نبردهاست.
تفاوت دید من با دید ناسیونالیستی همه جانبه است . من ، هم معتقد به حق
تعیین سرنوشت کردها هستم و هم معتقد به وحدت و همزیستی خلق کرد با سایر
خلقهای ایران و ترکیه و عراق و سوریه و قفقاز. این دوتا – اصل جدایی و
وحدت – نه تنها با هم در تضاد نیستند بلکه لازم و ملزومند . با یهودی
ستیزی ( آنتی سمیتیسم ) به شدت مخالفم و به همان شدت با رژیم اشغالگر و
آپارتاید اسرائیل مخالفم و ایجاد یک دولت واحد فلسطینی را می طلبم که در
آن هر دو ملت فلسطین و یهودی و سایرین همزیستی بکنند. با سلام ستیزی رایج
در غرب ( همهی مسلمانها را تروریست و عقب مانده به حساب آوردن ) به
شدت مخالفم و در عین حال سکولار هستم و معتقد به بنیاد دین نیستم. معتقدم
که اسلام ستیزی امروز مانند یهودی ستیزی سالهای 1930 میتواند به نتایج
خطرناکی مانند هولوکاست ( ژنوسید یهودیها و دیگران ) منجر شود. از
مبارزهی خلق فلسطین با قاطعیت پشتیبانی میکنم و معتقدم این مبارزه در
راس مبارزات آزادیخواهانهی دنیای معاصر قرار دارد. به نظر من اگر کسی
ادعای آزادیخواهی بکند اما از مبارزهی خلق فلسطین دفاع نکند ، یا از
ستمدیدگی این خلق به کلی بی خبر است یا ادعای آزادیخواهیش جای تردید است.
من با امپریالیسم آمریکا مخالفم اما مردم آمریکا را متحد و متفق مردمی
میدانم که مورد تجاوز دولتشان قرار میگیرند . با تجاوز ارتش آمریکا به
حراق مخالفم اما از سربازان آمریکایی که حاضر نیستند در جنگ عراق شرکت
کنند و به کانادا پناه بردهاند پشتیبانی میکنم. من به شدت مخالف هر نوع
ترک ستیزی ، فارس ستیزی و عرب ستیزی هستم – آنهم در شرایطی که دولتهای
ناسیونالیست ترک ، فارس و عرب شدید ترین ستم ها را بر کردها اعمال
کردهاند. ستم دولتها را ناشی از ستمگری این خلقها
نمیدانم . جنگ و دعوا بین ناسیونالیسم کرد و ناسیونالیسم آذربایجانی را (
بر سر مرز یا هر مسئله دیگری ) محکوم می کنم و به هیچ وجه نمیخواهم بخشی
از آن باشم . این دو خلق سنت های همکاری و همدردی و همزیستی دارند و خود
را متعلق به این بخش از تاریخ می دانم. اینها و بسیاری مواضع دیگر ،
سیاست من را از سیاست ناسیونالیستی متمایز می کند.
که می دانیم تا کنون معادلات جهانی به اشکال مختلف بر ضد حقوق و منافع خلق
کرد بوده است، آیا حملهی آمریکا به عراق توانسته است این معادلات را تا
حدی بر هم زده و فرصت مناسبتری برای خلق کرد فراهم آورد؟
دکتر امیر حسن پور
: همانطور که اشاره کردم کردها ، بر اساس اصول و موازین حقوق بین الملل
، یک " خلق " یا " ملت " به شمار می روند و در نتیجه مستحق حق تعیین
سرنوست هستند و از آنجا که مورد ستم سدید قرار گرفتهاند می توانند این
حق را اعمال بکنند.ام ادر حالیکه حقوقدانها این حق ملت کرد را تایید می
کنند ، آمریکا ، اتحادیهی اروپا و سازمان ملل ، به دلالیل سیاسی نه
حقوقی ، این حق ملت کرد را انکار می کنند.
در پروژهی جنگ 1991 که هدفش پایان دادن به اشغال کویت توسط عراق بود
به هیچ وجه برنامهی تجزیهی عراق یا قصد کمک به کردهای عراق را نداشت
. ایجاد " حکومت منطقهای کردستان " در سال 1992 نتیجهی برنامهریزی یا
خیر خواهی آمریکا نبود وسیر وقایع بعد از جنگ منجر به ایجاد آن شد.
آمریکا در برنامهی تغییر رژیم صدام در سال 2003 نیز قصد ایجاد کردستان مستقل را نداشت و در واقع یکی از اهداف آمریکا خاتمه دادن به بلاتکلیفی وضع
عراق از جمله بلاتکلیفی کردستان عراق بود به این ترتیب که حکومت شبه
مستقل کردستان را خاتمه بدهد و آنرا در دولت عراق ادغام کند . اما این
برنامه هم به علت شکست پروژهی بازسازی دولت
عراق عملی نشد و امروز بسیاری از ناظران معتقدند که عراق عملا تجزیه
شده است و این تجزیه در آینده ی نه چندان دور رسمیت می یابد و در
نتیجه کردستان عراق مستقل می شود . اما آیندهی عراق هنوز بسیار ناروشن
است . در هر حال ، استقلال کردستان عراق ، اگر عملی بشود ، محخول به
رسمیت شناختن حق تعیین سرنوشت کردهای عراق از طرف آمریکا یا دولتهای
منطقه یا ناسیونالیستهای عراقی نیست بلکه ناشی از به سنگ خوردن همهی
تیرهای آنهاست. البته اگر آمریکا معمار این تجزیه بشود ، ممکن است بحث
حق تعیین سرنوشت را مطرح بکند. با توجه به آشوبی که بر روابط بین
المللی حکمفرماست ، موقعیت کردستان هر آن ممکن است از این رو به این رو
تردیدی نیست که
شرایط آشوب و بحران کنونی برای همه " فرصت " به وجود آورده است. جای
نیروهای انقلابی خالی است . رهبران کردهای عراق تلاش کردهاند که در
سوراخ و سنببههای نظام فرتوت و بحران زدهی بین المللی جای پایی برای
خودشان و ملتشان پیدا بکنند. اما ، اگر کردستان در این شرایط و با این
سیاستها به استقلال برسد سرنوشتش بهتر از حکومتهای ملی ارمنستان ،
تاجیکستان ، آذربایجان و یا دولتهای آفریقای که در سالهای 1960 – 1970
مستقل سدند نخواهد بود . بعد از رفع ستم ملی در کردستان مستقل ، " ملت "
در اثر فقر ، بی عدالتی ، نابرابری و دیکتاتوری مبارزهاش را متوجه حکومت
خودی خواهد کرد.
که دیده میشود آمریکا بین کردهای بخشهای مختلف کردستان تفاوت قائل است؛
برای مثال موضع آمریکا در قبال نیروهای کردستان عراق و مبارزات کردهای
کردستان ترکیه متفاوت است و علیرغم این بارها مخالفت خود را به اشکال
مختلف با مبارزات خلق کرد در کردستان ترکیه نشان داده است. در عین حال
آمریکا اجازه نداده است ترکیه از راه کردستان عراق به پایگاه های pkk حمله کند، دلایل این امر را چگونه ارزیابی میکنید؟
دکتر امیر حسن پور
: سیاست آمریکا در مورد کردها نه بر اساس ملاحظات حقوق بشر است ، نه
ملاحظات حقوق بین الملل و نه ملاحظات اخلاقی . تنها معیار آمریکا – مهم
نیست کدام جناح در کاخ سفید مستقر باشد – منافع سرمایهداری این کشور است
، آن هم طبق برداشت رئیس جمهوری و جناحی از سرمایه که ازاو پشتیبانی
میکند. کردهای ترکیه از دید آمریکا و رسانههای جمعی آن بد هستند زیرا
دولت ترکیه دوست و " متفق " آمریکاست. اختلافات مختصری که بر سر نقش
ترکیه در جنگ عراق پیش آمده به هیچ وجه این رابطه را تغییر نمی دهد .
خوبی یا بدی کردهای عراق و ایران نیز بستگی به این داشته است که
رابطهی دولتهای عراق و ایران با آمریکا چطور بوده است. تنها چیزی که
برای آمریکا مطرح نیست سرنوشت کردها ، آرزوها ، حقوق ملی ، رفاه و آسایش
آمریکا ، مانند ترکیه و شاید بیشتر از آن ، مایل است بساط پ ک ک را
برچیند. هر روزنامهنگار غربی ، حتی آنهایی که تاریخ این روابط را نمی
دانند ، به آسانی درک می کنند که آمریکا به ترکیه می گوید : " فعلا
دست نگه دار چون وضع سیاسی و نظامی در عراق بسیار حساس است . دست نگه دار
تا بعد با هم سرکوبشان کنیم ."
به نظر شما دلایل مخالفت آمریکا با مبارزات خلق کرد در کردستان ترکیه، با
این قضیه در ارتباط نیست که اوجآلان بدون اتکا به قدرتهای خارجی و در
ضمن مخالفت با آن ها، از راههای مختلف مشوق مبارزات انقلابی و رادیکال
تودههای خلق کرد بوده است؟
دکتر امیر حسن پور : به نظر من نه ! اوج
آلان چند سال قبل از ربودهشدنش و به خصوص به دنبال آن خواستهایی را پیش
کشیده است که به مراتب محدود تر از خواستهایی بوده که رهبری کردهای
عراق از سال 1961 به بعد مطرح کردهاند. اوج آلان امروز حقوق فرهنگی و
زبانی کردها را می طلبد. . مسئله هم این نیست که روزگاری خواستهای پ ک ک
وسیع تر یا رادیکال تر خواستهای کردها ی عراق بوده . هر دو هم درگیر
مبارزهی مسلحانه بودهاند. سیاست واشنگتن در رابطه با کردهای ترکیه و
فلسطینیها بر اساس نقشی که دولتهای ترکیه و اسرائیل در منطقه بازی می
کنند و جایگاه آنها در سیاست خارجی آمریکا تعیین و تدوین و جرا می شود. بر
طبق قطعنامههای سازمان ملل ، ترکیه باید اشغال قبرس شمالی را پایان بدهد
و ارتش خود را از آنجا خارج بکند و اسرائیل باید از مناطقی که در جنگ
1967 اشغال کرده است خارج بشود . اما اگر آمریکا برای پایان دادن به
اشغال کویت علیه عراق جنگ راه انداخت ، در عمل از اشغال قبرس شمالی و
ساحل غربی رود اردن و نوار غزه و ارتفاعات " گلان " پشتیبانی میکند.
نظر شما آمریکا از این به بعد چه موضعی در قبال حکومت کردی موجود در
کردستان عراق و دیگر نیروهای اپوزوسیون کردی اتخاذ می کند و چه
برنامههایی برای این مسئله دارد؟
دلتر امیر حسن پور :
پیش بینی جزئیات سیاست آمریکا مشکل است چون شکستی که در عراق و افغانستان
متحمل شده است نه تنها تضاد بین مردم آمریکا و حکومت بوش را شدت بخشیده
بلکه تضادهای درون حکومت امریکا ، تضادهای درون خود دار و دستهی بوش و
نیز تضادهای بین آمریکا و متحدینش را نیز وخیم تر کرده است. نه میتواند
عراق و افغانستان را ول بکند و نه امکان درگیری بیشتر دارد. در درون ناتو
جنگ و جدال است بر سر اینکه کدام دولت چند سرباز فرستاده و این سربازها
کجا مستقر شدهاند و چه نقشی – جنگی یا غیر جنگی
– ایفا می کنند. در عین حال ، ارتش آمریکا ، قویترین ارتش امپریالیستی
دنیا ، مایل نیست شکست مفتضحانهاش در ویتنام را دوباره در عراق و
افغانستان تکرار بکند . اما شواهد موجود حاکی از این است که این شرایط
نظامی به آسانی دگرگون نمی شود . آمریکا، در صورت لزوم حکومت کرد را کنار
میگذارد؛ یا جدایی کردستان را در صورت وابستگی کامل به ترکیه عمل میکند
؛ پ ک ک را سرکوب میکند ؛ از کردهای ایران و سوریه استفاده می کند : "
منافع ملی " اگر ایجاب بکند ، همان راهی را می رود که کیسینجر رفت.
حملهی آمریکا به افعانستان و عراق را میتوان به مثابهی جنگی تاریخی بین
سرمایهداری جهانی و استبداد شرقی قلمداد کرد، و یا اینکه آمریکا با این
حملات در صدد کنترل نیروهای ترقی خواه و انقلابی است؟
دکتر امیر حسن پور
: حملهی آمریکا به افغانستان و عراق هیچ عنصری از تضاد بین سرمایهداری
جهانی و استبداد را در برنمی گیرد. آمریکا و نظام سرمایهداری امروز
بزرگترین مانع رشد دمکراسی در سطح جهان هستند ( جریانات عمیقا ارتجاعی
مانند طالبان و بن لادن در سطح محلی گاهی متحد آمریکا و گاهی با آن شاخ
به شاخ می شوند). سرمایهداری در آغاز حیات خودش ، هنگامیکه هنوز به
قدرت نرسیده بود ( قرن 17 تا اواخر قرن 18) ، با فئودالیسم و استبداد
فئودالی در تضاد بود ( در عصر روشنگری ) . اما بعد از این که طبقهی
سرمایهدار به قدرت رسید ( ابتدا در انگلستان و هلند و آمریکا و فرانسه
... در نیمه دوم قرن 18) به مقابله با دهقانها ، طبقهی نوپای کارگر و
مردم مستعمرات برخاست.
نظامی استثمارگر است و این استثمار آنرا با بردهداری و فئودالیسم همسنخ
میکند. سرمایهداری آمریکا، علیرغم اعلامیه استقلال سال 1776 که اعلام
کرد " همهی انسانها برابر آفریده شدهاند " ، با تکیه بر بردهداری و
قلع و قمع مردم بومی قارهی آمریکا و خالی کرد آفریقا از سکنه رشد کرد. سرمایهداری
انگلیس در مستعمراتش از جمله در هندوستان با نظام فئودالی و عشیرهای و
مردسالاری همزیستی میکرد و در حدود 600 امارت و حکومت خرد و درشت فئودالی
را رهبری میکرد. آمریکا و انگلستان برای مقابله با حکومت افغانستان که
وابسته به شوروی بود و به منظور ایجاد یک ویتنام برای شوروی با
مرتجعترین جریانها و عناصر همدست شد. همدست و همسوئی آمریکا با عربستان و
رژیمهای مرتجع منطقه زبانزد خاص و عام است.
نظام دولتی آمریکا ، که بعصی از منتقدین آمریکایی آنرا نظام تک حزبی – دوفراکسیونی (Bi – factional one- party system )
می نامند ، در پنج سال اخیر تحت کنترل مرتجعترین جریان تاریخ معاصر بوده
است . دار ودستهی بوش قوانین و موازین بینالمللی را زیر پا گذاشتهاند (
آدم ربائی ، زندانهای مخفی ، شکنجه ، ترور افراد ) و در همان حال مهمترین
اصول دمکراسی بورژوایی – آزادیهای مدنی ، حقوق فردی ، حقوق بشر ، حقوق
زنان ، تفکیک قوا ، جدایی دین و دولت و غیره - را نقض کردهاند . به
صراحت می گویند : از آنجا که امنیت ملی در خطر است ، باید دمکراسی را
برای مدتی محلق بگذاریم. امروز تمام علائم اولیهی ظهور فاشیسم را میتوان
در آمریکا و دیگر کشورهای غربی مشاهده کرد. نظام سرمایهداری معمولا در
شرایط عادی ، هنگامیکه بحرانی در بین نیست ، رژیم حکومتی مشهور به "
دمکراسی لیبرال" را ترجیح می دهند اما هنگامیکه
احساس خطر بکند به راحتی به نظم حکومتی فاشیسم متوسل می شود. نازیسم ،
که وحشیترین فرم فاشیسم بود ، از طریق انتخابات و همدستی لیبرالها و
محافظهکارها با نازیها ، در سال 1933 در آلمان به قدرت رسید و شش سال
بعد جنگ جهانی دوم و کورههای آدمسوزی را راه انداخت. حتی در شرایطی که
نظام سرمایهداری با هیچ بحرانی روبهرو نیست و اقتصادش هم رونق دارد ،
حکومتهای فاشیستی و شبه فاشیستی ممکن است به قدرت برسند. برای مثال در
آمریکا در اوائل سالهای 1950 که بحرانی در بین نبود دار و دستهای به
رهبری سناتور مک آرتی جریانی شبه فاشیستی راه انداختند که مشهور به مک ارتیسم است .
ادعا که سرمایهداری با دمکراسی عجین است یکی از افسانههای بزرگ
سرمایهداری است. جالب این است که روشنفکران کرد ناسیونالیست در شرایطی
این افسانهها را تبلیغ می کنند که در غرب تحقیقات مفصل در مورد پیوند ناگسستنی بین دمکراسی و دیکتا توری منتشر می شود. برای مثال در سال 2005 ، کتاب مایکل مان Mann عنوان جانب تاریک دمکراسی : تبیین دمکراسی قومی ( انتشارات دانشگاه کمبریج ) (The Dark side of Democrasy : Explaining Ethnic Cleasing )
رابطهی بین
اعمال خشونت از قبیل پاکسازی قومی و دمکراسی را بررسی کرد و بحث مفصل راه
انداخته است و این تنها تحقیق در این زمینه نیست . آمریکا در استفاده
از سلاح اتمی ( هیروشیما و ناکازاکی ) ، اسلحهی شیمیایی
( ویتنام) ، بمبهای خوشهای و دیگر سلاحهایی که به طور جمعی مردم را می
کسد یا زخمی می کند ، راه انداختن کودتا ، قتل عام ، استفاده از فضا برای
مقاصد نظامی ، شکنجه و ترور و جنایات جنگی و جنایت علیه بشریت مقام رهبری
را به خود اختصاص داده . آمریکا ، در محافل بین المللی ، به طور
سیستماتیک با ممنوع کردن اسلحههایی از قبیل مین و بمب خوشهای مخالفت
کرده است و مدام اسلحههای خطرناکتر تهیه میکند. جورج سوروس (
سرمایهدار آمریکایی اخیرا گفته است که آمریکا بزرگترین مانع دمکراسی
است – البته دمکراسی سرمایهداری – ظاهرا روشنفکران کرد به گرد پای
سوروس هم نمی رسند.
ذکر است که این مصاحبه در تاریخ 25 نوامبر 2006 انجام شدهاست و قرار بر
این بود که در یکی از مجلات داخل کردستان یا ایران منتشر شود که
متاسفانه چنین نشد ( به دلایلی که فعلا قابل گفتن نیست ) .
دكتر امیر حسن پور
متولد سال 1943 در مهاباد – کردستان
استاد زبانشناسی ، رسانههای عمومی ، و تاریخ و سیاست مدرن خاورمیانه ( به ویژه تاریخ نوین کردها )
استاد تمدنهای خاور نزدیک و خاورمیانه در دانشگاه تورنتو
مدرس عالی مقولاتی همچون ناسیونالیسم ، حقوق اقلیت ها ، رسانهها ، و جنبشهای اجتماعی در خاورمیانه
خالق آثار بسیاری در زمینههای ناسیونالیسم و زبان و هویت کردها در قالب کتاب و مقاله
اثر دکتر امیر حسن پور نوشتن مقالهای دربارهی ژنوسید کردهاست که با نام
" کردها " است که در انسیکلوپیدیای ژنوسید وجنایت علیه بشریت منتشر شده
است .
همراه با همسرش دکتر شهرزاد مجاب تحقیقات و مقالات ارزشمندی دربارهی مسائل زنان و ناموس در کردستان و خاورمیانه منتشر کردهاست.
حسن پور تحولات خاورمیانه و به ویژه کردستان را با وسواس بسیار دنبال
می کند و از نگاه چپ و انترناسیونالیستی در تحلیل رویدادها استفاده می کند.
Civilization vs. Purification |
By: Dr. Kamal Artin Dec 6th 2006 Civilization
and purification have a long history and are not limited to an empire,
culture, race, and social class. Purification here might be substituted
with a less permissible word that describes gratification of sexual
urges of others for monetary gain. While civilization tends to promote
long term strengthening of a society’s foundation, purification might
serve the immediate gratification of individuals with unusual sexual
urges. Some of the thinkers of an old school in the East, such as the
proponents of ‘Hilmism’ – ideas of Dr Fereydun Hilmi, tend to put
Western Civilization (WC) and its counterpart, Western Purification
(WP), in the same boat. Although they have W in common, it is unjust to
consider WP and WC as the same. Reviewing pros and cons of these two
phenomena is beyond the scope of this satire. Instead I try to
highlight some of the aspects of WP and WC that are relevant to the
people of my origin. |
their shallow pockets, most of the people of my origin have been
fighting for progressive universal values such as liberty, justice, and
equality for all. Some of these people allied themselves with the W
forces for a mutual immediate gratification; some did the same for
adding to the dept of our contemporary global civilization. While WC
tends to be more democratic and serve the humankind, WP has some gender
biases and usually is at the service of mankind, as evidenced by a lack
of a significant political power by the womankind. Interestingly like
the womankind, the people of my origin have been repeatedly looked upon
as the second class human beings by many leaders in the Middle East
and few senior politicians from the Wild West. The latest confirmation
of such an attitude is evident in the “Risk Intelligence” strategy
suggested by David Apgar and a plan by retired politicians such as
Hamilton and Baker. The plan of these boisterous seniors (BS) is known
as the BS plan by many people of my origin in Kirkuk and other part of their divided land to four infamous Middle Eastern countries. |
The short version of the recommendation of these “experts” is that the sociopath leaders of dominant ethnic groups in the Middle East,
who have been able to deepen their own pockets very successfully, are
entitled to keep the people of my origin as the second class citizens.
These “experts” who suffer from selective blindness, refuse to see that
stability can not exist without equality for all including for the
people of my origin. They refuse to see that these people have no
intention to give up in their fight for equality and independence until
they have their own representative in the United Nations. |
recommendation to Mr. Apgar is to make sure he had an Apgar score above
7 out of ten 10 at birth, since his recommended additional two Arab
states without one for the people of my origin is an insult to any free
thinker with an IQ score of more than 70%. To the seniors in the
Ham-Baker group, who know only the culture of hamburger and domination,
I suggest they learn form their peer, the retired boxer George Forman,
who has experienced domination and failure. Forman at this age is aware
that he will be more successful in the business of grilling ham instead
of unifying the artificial Iraq to remain a purified Arab state! |
Ham-Baker group and other W forces do not support the people of my
origin in fulfilling their dream of democratization and independence,
soon these people classify the Western civilizations as a purifying
force that sells itself to gratify the urges of Arab, Turk, and Persian
purifiers. Such classification would be an insult to all of those who
voluntarily have left their darkened home in the East for the
enlightened hope of the West. |
Separating the three legged twins |
might have taken other empires centuries to achieve what the current
world empire has achieved in decades. Since the old empires expanded
their territory via force, brutality, and corruption, their collapse
was inevitable. Some supporters of the old world and the enemies of the
current one might wish for the collapse of the American empire.
However, self repair ability of this new empire prevents the wishes of
its enemies to come true. The out come of 2006 mid term election in the
United States is not surprising and consistent with the assumption of the empire’s self repair ability. This
assumption is based on the observation of the choices that the majority
of American voters make. They tend to support the agenda of one of the
two main political parties; then they push the agenda to its extreme,
hold it there for a while, and pull it back to mainstream conservatism
of one of the two parties. In contrary to conservatives of other
countries who rather keep status quo or return to an earlier time of
the world history, the two American conservative parties tend to
support a moderate level of novelty seeking and welcome a partial
change to move the world forward. Such a cultural and political
attitude might be the reason for the success and stability of the
current world empire. Despite
its unique self repair ability, this empire has not been immune form
internal and external wounds, regardless which party has had its main
political power. Instead of letting it die, the people have helped the
empire to recover by voting for change! Many commentators have
attributed the desire for change this time to major wounds such as the
war, corruption of corporate lobbyists, sexual misconduct of some
representatives, and financial insecurity of low and middle class
Americans. The most likely etiology of all of these wounds is the
violation of universal ethical values. While
the two mainstream parties will be working together to repair the
wounds at a national level, I hope they will not leave the wound of the
recent international surgeries untreated. More importantly I hope they
will not forget the surgery of the artificially made twins who are
attached in the middle leg but each has another leg and a separated
head. Consistent with universal ethical values, a surgical separation
of the twins by an international team of experts should be a priority
now. The surgery could give each twin one head, one of them two legs,
and the other one a natural and a prosthetic leg; this way at least the
twins will be able to move around and grow independently. Kamal Artin |
COMMENT: kamalartin@yahoo.com |
For Letter Section :newarticle@vokradio.com |
Special thank to http://www.iran-federal.com/ |